ehco's B'day

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Fives: bros! I need some help!

Rex: with what, Fives?

Hardcase: can we shoot people with paintballs again? That was so fun!

Fives: sorry Hardcase, but no. Its echo's birthday tomorrow and I have to get him something special!

Jesse: why?

Fives: because he's my bro!

Rex: aren't we all?

Fives: yeah, but echo is my best bro. We've been together forever.

Dogma: why did you add me to this stupid chat I'm busy people!

Jesse: that sass....


Jesse: I take that back. Please don't punch me!

Fives: well, what should I get echo?

Hardcase: a paint ball gun.

Jesse: a soft blanket. I've wanted one for ages...

Dogma: a lock.

Rex: why a lock?

Dogma: so we can lock him in his room.

Jesse: rude!

Dogma: you guys fault for asking me For suggestions...

Rex: well just think about what echo likes.

Fives: that's brilliant rex! I'll just go ask Echo what he wants!

Rex: that's not what I meant!

On a chat with Echo and fives

Fives: hey echo, what do you like to do?

Echo: uh, read I guess. I also like Tec stuff, Now why do you ask?

Fives: um, no reason....

Back the the other chat...

Fives: he said he likes to read! So I'm going to give him a book.

Jesse: uh, what book though?

Hardcase:yeah, once I went to the library and there were so many books I couldn't even count them all.

Jesse: Hardcase, you can't even count to 5.

Fives: oh no! Now what am I going to do?!?!

Rex: like I said earlier, just think about what echo likes.

Fives: right! I'll just go ask Echo what book he likes!

Rex: not what I meant..

Back to echo and fives

Fives: hey, echo what's your favorite book?

Echo: uh, all of them.

Fives: that makes this somewhat hard...

Echo: makes what hard?

Fives: uh, never mind. Gotta go!

Echo: can that clone get any more peculiar?

On the other chat...

Fives: oh no!

Rex: what now Fives?

Fives: echo said he likes every book!

Jesse: doesn't that make it easier then?

Hardcase: yeah

Fives: what if I get one he already has?

Dogma: you said yourself that he likes any book, so it won't matter.

Fives: true that's what I'll do. Bye I'm going to go get a book at the store!

Rex: make sure to come back at 5:00 this evening.

Fives: why?

Rex: ehco's birthday party.

Jesse: wait, why does Echo get a birthday party?

Rex: I might have dared General Skywalker to throw every clone a birthday party once...

Hardcase: nice going! Now I can't wait for my birthday!

Fives: okay see you then guys!

Later at the party...

Echo opens his gift from Jesse to find a book

Echo: wow! Its just the book I wanted!

Now echo opens his book from Hardcase. It's another book he wanted

Echo: yeah! I wanted this one too!

Echo opens all his gifts and recives a book every time, until he finally opens fives gift.

Fives: I knew everyone would copy me, so I got you down thing else.

Ehco: a free unlimited library card! Yay! Your the best bro!

Rex: good job fives

The end. That was kinda boring too.

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