Hardcase's Injury

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Rex: So, care to explain to us how exactly this happened?

Hardcase: No.

Jesse: I'm good.

Fives: Why are you looking at me for???

Rex: Because you always have something to do with all the trouble around here.

Fives: What? Am I the one who filled Dogma's shoes with jelly?

Kix: Yes. I saw you on the security camera

Fives: Dang. I didn't think anyone knew about that

Rex: Someone gonna tell us what happened?

Hardcase: I slipped on butter and fell out the window into a trashcan where a racoon bit me and so then I ducktaped my eye.

Kix: What does that even mean???

Jesse: Its true. It's what happened

Rex: CT-5555!

Jesse: Oooh you know you're in trouble when he uses your full name

Fives: Okay! I admit, it was my idea to cover the floor with butter so we could slide across it! But it's not my fault Hardcase fell out the window!

Rex: And the racoon?

Fives: I, might have been trying to keep one as a pet

Rex: -Sighs-

Kix: Well, Hardcase has a broken arm and a sprained leg. Even in a bacta tank its gonna take him a week or two to recover

Jesse: What if we feed him pinto beans?

Kix: What?

Jesse: You know, pinto beans, as in the magical beans that can heal you?




Jesse: Did you seriously make that up just to make me eat my pinto beans Rex???

Rex: ....It worked?

Kix: Okay, well, let's give Hardcase some rest- HEY!!! DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR JELL!!!

Hardcase: But I want my head to look shiny!!!


Jesse: Why is he so protective of that?

Rex: I don't wanna know

Fives: Well, I'm gonna go, uh, breakdance on the roof

Rex: Not so fast. You're in trouble for covering the floor with butter, and trying to keep a wild animal as a pet, and a whole bunch of other things

Jesse: Oh, don't forget about the pizza he clogged down the toilet

Fives: Shhhh!!!

Rex: Come on. Let's leave Hardcase alone

Hardcase: But I wanna blow bubbles! And smash poptarts on a trampoline!

Jesse: I would question if he's entirely sane, but he's always like this.

Fives: Byeeee!!!!

Hardcase: So what do I do now Kix

Kix: Lay down and take a nap

Hardcase: Can I have a capri sun?

Kix: No

Hardcase: Can I play with the fish in that tank?

Kix: No

Hardcase: Can I wack you with a pool noodle?

Kix: What? No!

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