Jokes On You (April Fools Day Special 2022)

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Obi Wan: Hey, since tomorrow is April fools, and none of us want to get pranked like last year, what do you say we make a promise: no pranks?

Aayla: Oh sure.

Kit: Yeah, works with me.

Shaak Ti: Okay. But if any of my toilet paper gets stolen, I'm declaring war.

Ahsoka: After Anakin replaced my soap with some fancy cheese, I will gladly agree to no more pranks

Eth Koth: Please, that's nothing. He put a fake lizard on my toilet. -Shudders-

Adi Gallia: Fineee it's a deal.

Obi Wan: Anakin?

Obi Wan: Anakin???

Mace Windu: Skywalker is gone, and we are all in trouble.

The next day:

Fives: Hey, Echo, wake up.

Echo: Okay, okay, I'm- AHHHHHHH

-Echo wakes up to this in his face:

-Echo wakes up to this in his face:

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Echo: What the fridge Fives!!??!?

Fives: Hahahaha April Fools!

Jesse: Guys! There's kool-aid in the fridge!

Kix: That sounds kinda suspicious-

Dogma: Shh!!!

-Fives and Hardcase take a sip, then spit it out immedinetly.

Jesse: Ewww!!!! Seriously?? What is that?

Hardcase: Cheese-flavored kool-aid? Cool!

Dogma: HAHAHA this is what I did:

Echo: That's the grossest thing I've ever heard of

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Echo: That's the grossest thing I've ever heard of.

Tup: Whoever thought it was funny to put a fake cockroach in the shower, it was not. That thing fell off the wall onto me. Ugh.




Fives: That wasn't fake.

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