The Dominoes Playing Dominoes

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Heavy: Steady...steady....

Fives: Echo don't ruin it!

Echo: Bros, you're going to startle me to death!

Fives: Fine! (In a whisper) steady...steady...

Cutup: He's going to fail

Droid Bait: Why? Echo's done the best so far.

Cutup: Pfft, no, I have

Heavy: You made our tower of dominoes fall twice!

Cutup: That was just bad luck

Fives: More like a bad strategy

Echo: I warned you every time that it was going to cause all of the dominos to fall

Droid Bait: Saying that makes me feel like we are going to fall

Heavy: Says the one who named himself Droid Bait

Droid Bait: 🙄🙄🙄. It sounded cool at the time!

Cutup: My name sounds cool all the time

Fives: Na, I got the best name

Echo: I thought mine sounded best

Fives: Well I'm the one who gave you that name so I get the credit

Echo: Whatever bro. There, I got 35 dominoes in a row!

Heavy: Let me show you how its done boys.

Fives: Bro pick up the pace you're so slow

Heavy: Genious can't be rushed.

Cutup: In that case you better go really fast

Heavy: I will clobber you when I'm done.

Droid Bait: Well I'm getting another snack

Echo: How many bags of cheetos have you eaten?

Droid Bait: Oh, you know, 25

Cutup: And I thought 10 bags was a record

Droid Bait: What? There's nothing else to do at this boring outpost!

Fives: There's not. Except for playing dominos

Echo: You could read manuals

Fives: Do you even know me?

Echo: I was joking!

Heavy: I'm thinking about trying to learn how to cook. I mean, am I the only one who is tired of that dried bantha meet?

Cutup: I'm pretty fed-up with it, if ya know what I mean. 😂😂😂

Droid Bait: I'm sick of him....

Heavy: Aw, we shouldn't be stuck here much longer

Fives: You told me that three months ago

Heavy: Hey, I've got to reassure myself too. And wahla! I got 46 more dominos up!

Cutup: Let me! I can get wayyyy more than that

Fives: Noo, you'll ruin it

Droid Bait: I have no doubt

Cutup: Just watch...

Echo: (According to his last attempts, the whole thing should collapse in 4...3...2...1)

All the dominos fall

Cutup: Arg!

Heavy: You ruined it!

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