Yoda's Pizza Hut

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Yoda: To my pizza hut, welcome

Ahsoka: This...isn't what I was expecting

Rex: It's...kind of weird

Anakin: This place smells like pineapple

Obi Wan: Anakin, what does that even mean?

Rex: I don't think we'll ever know

Fives: Aww man thanks for taking us General Skywalker!!!

Jesse: I can't wait to get started on that all you can eat buffet

Tup: Hardcase already has. Look, he's stuffing food down his poncho

Rex: I should've known he wasn't wearing a pancho because he had the ability to sense when it was going to rain like a cow

Cody: The excuses your men give Rex, lol

Boil: Hey, can we have a large drink of seven up?

Waxer: It, um, increases our hearing so we'll be able to hear if someone plans to ambush us

Trapper: And it also gives us really good luck so we'll know if it rains orange juice.

Cody: -Sighs-

Obi Wan: Let's get a table-

Fives: On it! I got one!!!

Rex: Fives! Put that table down!

Fives: General Kenobi said to get a table, so I did

Echo: -sighs-

Ahsoka: I've been dying to get some pizza for ages

Anakin: I've been dying to put trampolines on every roof on Coruscant so we can jump from one to the other, but so far it hasn't happened.

Obi Wan: Anakin-

Anakin: Let's eat!

Fives: I want cheese sticks. Can I get cheese sticks?

Echo: Its an all you can eat buffet. Eat as much as you want

Tup: But like, is there a time limit?

Jesse: Yeah. What if I just spent the night, and then ate breakfast here in the morning to?

Rex: Uh no

Fives: Or what if we lived here?!

Hardcase: I wanna live at pizza hut!

Ahsoka: Lol

Yoda: To the pizza hut, welcome.

Obi Wan: Greetings, Master Yoda

Yoda: Server Yoda, it is today

Ahsoka: Ok

Cody: (The hat is really making this a little weird)

Rex: Uh yeah

Fives: I thought only the people at crispy creme got to wear those hats

Jesse: Did you steal it?!?!

Yoda: -Yoda Laugh- No, no, no. Steal it, I did not. Borrow it, I did

Anakin: I always tell Obi Wan that, but he says it isn't the same thing

Obi Wan: -Sighs- I'll have an extra large coke please

Ahsoka: (Says he needs the extra caffeine to catch up with Anakin)

Rex: In that case, I need an extra, extra large coke.

Tup: No! My pizza slice fell on the floor!

Dogma: Well don't cry like a baby!

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