Vos's Hangout On Kashyyyk

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Aayla: So, why did you invite us here again?

Shaak Ti: Dont get me wrong, I'm thrilled to go somewhere else other than Kamino, but those wookies won't stop growling at me.

Adi Gallia: Yeah, why is that?

Vos: Your shoes. They don't like your shoes.

Shaak Ti: What's wrong with your shoes?

Aayla: You got them at a thrift store and ducktaped the hole in them

Shaak Ti: What can I say? It worked.

Kit: Idk, I kinda like this place.

Aayla: That's just because you like how the wookies want your autograph

Kit: #servicewithasmile

Ahsoka: This place is so cool! I wish I could live on Kashyyk, or at least go on vacation here. Right Master?

Obi Wan: Wait, where is Anakin?

Anakin: 'sup guys?!

Shaak Ti: Is he swinging on a vine?

Vos: Oh come on! I was gonna do that first!

Ahsoka: Watch out for that-

-Anakin hits a tree

Ahsoka: Tree

Anakin: I'll live...

Vos: May I present to you, my ultimate hangout, the-

Aayla: Wait, I thought you said your ultimate hang out was the dumpster?

Vos: That was then! This is now. I call it, the Vos Moss

Obi Wan: ...Its, uh, just a tree

Vos: Yeah, that I hang out in. What else were you expecting?

Shaak Ti: Would it be weird if I said a fish shack?

Adi Gallia: Yes, but I have to say, this place is actually pretty cool

Aayla: One question, is there like a, rope, we can climb up to get there,

Kit: Or do we have to force jump?

Vos: Uh, duh! We're Jedi for a reason!

Aayla: I knew it.

Vos: So, you just kinda climb up and use the branches. But if you're too weak for that, you can go up in the stair climber seat used for the wookies who are disabled. I usually go up and down it for fun

Ahsoka: Wait, whaaaat?

Adi Gallia: Now I'm jealous. Not even the Jedi Temple has those

Shaak Ti: That's it. I'm taking a ride in one.

Aayla: Just reminds me of that commercial with the old lady whose like, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up

Adi Gallia: You mean this:

Aayla: Yes 🤣

Kit: Lol, this is gonna be fun.

Obi Wan: And dangerous

Anakin: Hey Obi Wan, check this out!

Vos: Doing flips up the tree??? Dude, stop stealing all of my ideas!

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