Thanksgiving Get Together

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Anakin: I'm here!

Padme: Anakin...what is that?

Rex: It, uh, looks like burnt rubber

Ahsoka: Omg

Obi Wan: Anakin, did you seriously cook rubber chickens!?!?!?!?

Anakin: Yes.

Adi Gallia: I don't even think Savage will eat that

Savage: No way

Anakin: What? They must pay for their treachery

Ahsoka: You know I really start to regret that prank we did

Rex: Uh, yeah, me too

Fives: It was hilarious!

Jesse: I thought it was fun. I'm going out in the yard to play with my cheeseball

Rex: o-k

Ahsoka: Lol

Aayla: Has anyone tried the punch yet?

Ventress: Did someone say something about needing to punch something?

Vos: Na, they were talking about this punch, like the kind you drink

Ventress: Oh, whatev. Why did you make me come to this lame party?

Plo Koon: Its not lame

Shaak Ti: Or a party. I thought it was a get-together, right?

Vos: What else were we supposed to do on Thanksgiving?

Ventress: Idk. Last year I slaughtered turkeys in Dooku's animal pens

Kit: Omg

Adi Gallia: That', brutal

Ventress: So am I

Vos: Let's go get some more pie

Padme: So, do you think we overdid it on the food?

Satine: What? No, you should've seen the leftovers we had at my veterans day party

Ahsoka: Do you throw a party for every holiday?

Satine: Yeah, usually.

Obi Wan: I went to it. My god I've never seen so much food in my life

Anakin: Shoulda called in the 501st to finish it off

Satine: I just sold it off to Jabba the Hut

Aayla: That's one way to get your money back. Okay Bly, what did you put in the sweet potatoes? They taste...different than usual

Bly: I followed the recipe exactly ma'am

Fives: You sure you used the right one?

Echo: He did it ☝️☝️☝️

Fives: Whatt...

Bly: Let me taste that! Yuck, this is candied yams, not sweet potatoes!!! Fives!!!!!

Rex: Woah, boys

Bly: Permission to tackle Fives sir?

Rex: Just do it outside

Aayla: Well at least it wasn't burnt

Barriss: Mm, this goo-nut pie tastes great

Ahsoka: Uh, Barriss, it's called pecan pie?

Barriss: Oh, okay

Lux: Here dear, you should try these marshmallow potatoes

Ahsoka: What

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