The Rise of the Segway

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Episode III

Rise of the segway:
(Read in the clone ware narrator voice)

The conflict of the segway continues to disrupt the galaxy. Jedi Masters (and other Jedi who aren't masters) Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, and Adi Gallia stole General Grevious's segway. In an attempt to take it back and extract revenge, the segway magically floats away, into the Unknown Regions. All the Jedi have found their own segways, but Grevious is desperate to gain his original, true segway back. Little does he know it's under the command of Grand Jedi Master Yoda and a handful of clones. What will happen when Grevious comes up with a daring attempt to retrieve his long lost segway...

Darth Sidious: I have called you all here for a reason

Count Dooku: What would that reason be, master?

Grevious: Yeah, -cough, cough- I'm...busy

Count Dooku: Oh would you stop looking for that segway of yours! Can't you just buy a new one?

Grevious: No. I must find my one true segway

Darth Sidious: As I was saying, I have felt a disturbance in the force...

Count Dooku: Could it perhaps be the hot dog stand we lost to the Republic?

Darth Sidious: It is something far greater than that. It is....the segway. It has awakened.

Grevious: My segway???? Where? Where is it??? I call dibs on the mission to retrieve it!

Count Dooku: Wtc. There's no way I'm going to search for a segway.

Darth Sidious: I have seen it in my visions...Grand Jedi Master Yoda has kept the segway in hiding. You must now retrieve it!

Grevious: -cough- cough- I'm on my way!

Darth Sidious:

Grevious: Where tc is it?

Darth Sidious: On the planet known as will find it....

Meanwhile on Dagobah...

Fives: Why do we have to keep the segway here, of all places?

Cody: Yeah, my boots keep getting stuck in the mud.

Hardcase: My whole body is stuck in the mud

Jesse: Hang on Hardcase! We'll get you out!

Rex: Careful or you'll get stuck in there too

Dogma: (Maybe we should leave him in there)

Tup: I'm more concerned about the giant snake I just saw....this place is creepy

Bly: You saw a giant snake??

Cody: Don't get scared now

Bly: Na I wasn't. I just wanted to see what it looked like

Tup: Creepy. It looked creepy.

Kix: I heard some people make soup out of those things

Tup: -shudders-

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