Jedi Temple Tour

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Ahsoka: Hey everyone, it's me, your favorite Padawn, Ahsoka Tano

Barriss: I'm a Padawn too!

Ahsoka: Sorry. It's me, Jedi Padawn, Ahsoka Tano

Shaak Ti: What are you doing?

Ahsoka: I'm vlogging.

Shaak Ti: Now I'm even more lost

Adi Gallia: Hey, we got a meeting in about like, 2 seconds. Something about Anakin busting a hole in the ceiling again with his cheeto gun

Obi Wan: Again? -sighs-

Ahsoka: Well, as you can tell, it's going to be an interesting day here at the Jedi Temple. And I'll be giving you a tour. Will this be insane? Most likely, yes. But don't leave quite yet! It'll also be fun

Ahsoka: The Jedi Temple is huge. I mean HUGE. Once, my Master, the one and only Anakin Skywalker, brought a heard of Banthas in to see how many could fit inside. I think he got to 10,000 before Mace Windu stepped in. -laughs- we were cleaning Bantha droppings off the floor for weeks.

Ahsoka: But, uh, anyways, this, is the hall. People, mainly Jedi, walk in here, like 24 hours a day. Sleepwalking included. I've caught more Jedi than I can count sleepwalking to get a midnight snack. And then there's Anakin, who sneaks down to the game room to play on the Wii. When someone catches him, he just claims that he was sleep walking. I've tried it a time or two myself.

Ahsoka: Oh, look! Here's one of my favorite Jedi now! Master Plo!

Plo Koon: Hello little 'Soka

Ahsoka: Hi. Anything interesting going on today?

Plo Koon: Anakin Skywalker

Ahsoka: The usual?

Plo Koon: He blew up all of our spare shoes with firecrackers

Ahsoka: Uhh, why??

Plo Koon: I wish I knew.

Ahsoka: Well, uh, have a good day.

Plo Koon: Oh, and be careful on the second level. Skywalker used that exploding watermelon to blow a hole in the floor.

Ahsoka: Of course. Well, down this way, we have a storage closet. Inside we have...a segway? Yeah. Yeah, this is uh, the original I think. Everyone loves segways. Especially Jedi. That's why its supposed to be hidden in here...I think I'll take it for a ride later today

Ahsoka: We have another storage closet here. Probably just a bunch of cleaning-

-She opens the door, and rolls and rolls of toilet paper come falling out

Ahsoka: Ahh!!! Help! Help!!!

Yoda: Padawn Tano? Something to say, have you?

Ahsoka: I'm drowning in toilet paper!!!

Yoda: Unfortunate, that is

Ahsoka: Yikes! That was...unexpected, but expected at the same time.

Yoda: Found Shaak Ti's toilet paper supply you have.

Ahsoka: Yeah. Seems likely. Phew, that was a close one. Last time this happened was when I opened the attic door. You never know what you're going to find when you open a door in the supply closet of the Jedi Temple.

Yoda: True, those words are.

Ahsoka: Yes, Master Yoda. Byee!!! Oh look, here we have, yet another storage closet. You know, I'm almost half scared to see what's inside. Oh come on, if I've learned anything from my Master, it's to JUST DO IT!!!!

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