The road trip

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Ahsoka: I'm so excited!

Padme: why? We still haven't won this war....😒😒😒😒

Anakin: We're going on a road trip!

Rex: well its more like a space trip

Padme: why can't I go too?

Anakin: because you'll make it serious and not fun.

Padme: what did you just day to me mister?😡😡😡

Obi wan: he means there's no room left.

Ahsoka: no kidding. Who practically flooded the cargo with pool floaties?

Fives: it was tup.

Jesse: he's afraid he's going to drown!

Tup: no! I just... Want to be safe...

Padme: you guys get to go swimming too?!

Anakin: were going swimming in the swamps of dagaba!

Obi wan: na, I'm waiting for the hot springs on naboo

Fives: why do you think I brought my shades for?

Rex: I brought mine too

Jesse: and me

Tup: and me
Ehco: fives insisted

Hardcase: and me too!

Cody: I did too... But just because I wanted to.

Dogma: I brought my butcher knife.

Ahsoka: wait, what?

Jesse: I bet he's going to murder us in our sleep

Tup: is it too late to leave?

Anakin: yep! Just took off

Ahsoka: Skyguy! You just made all of my action figures fall over!

Obi wan: try slowing down Anakin.

Anakin: but we'll get there faster if I go fast!

Rex: we won't get there at all if were dead.

Fives: true, unfortunately.

Padme: I can't believe you guys didn't invite me! How many of you are going?

Ahsoka: well, all the 501st, and the 212th, plus me, skyguy, and master Kenobi.

Cody: well actually just me the rest of the 212th was busy

Rex: with what?

Cody: they had to clean their quarters because your men pranked them with paintball guns.

Rex: oh, I forgot about that

Jesse: sorry....

Echo: it was fives fault!

Padme: I can't believe you guys...on the vacation part. The pranking part was expected.

Obi wan: guys what is that sound coming from the cargo?

Fives: it sounds like someone saying Kanoli

Echo: I seriously doubt that's what their saying

Cody: so we have a stowaway upon our ship.

Dogma: I'll deal with him if you want. Mwahahaha!!!!

Tup: I instantly regret coming on this ship.

Ahsoka: I'll deal with it. I'm closest

Rex: wait for me I don't want you to get hurt.

Fives: awwwwwwwww

Anakin: awwwwwwww

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