vacation order 66

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Fives: echo! Cody! Come take my selfie by this lava rock!

Hardcase: mine too!

Echo: okay

Cody: just a min I'm getting a transmition.

Cody: 'hello? This is clone commander Cody, how can I help you?'

Palpatine: execute vacation 66!!!

Echo: wait, what is that?

Fives: ehh, most of been the wrong number

Cody: yeah I feel like I should remember that... But I don't

Palpatine: seriously?? Those kaminoians better not have ripped me off! They told me you clones would kill the Jedi when I said execute vacation 66! Oh, wait I think it was order 66! Yeah, execute order 66!

Echo: yes sir

Tup: good soldiers follow orders.

Jesse: yes sir

Dogma: yes sir.

Hardcase: I want a donut

Palpatine: ???

Hardcase: I WANT A DONUT!!!!

Jesse: buy him a donut then he will execute order 66

Palpatine: seriously???

Palpatine: fine.

Hardcase: Yay!!!!

Kix: yes sir.

Fives: yes sir...Whoever you are.

Cody: me and kix will deal with general Kenobi. You bros go deal with Luminera, Plo Koon, and ahsoka.

Kix: yes sir

Echo: yes sir

Hardcase: yes sir

Dogma: yes sir

Jesse: yes sir

Fives: yes sir

Tup: good soldiers follow orders!

Fives: is that all he says?

Echo: apparently.


Ahsoka: ooh, its so beautiful here!

Rex: it is beautiful here, just like you.

Ahsoka: 💖💖💖💖

Maul: blec!! This vacation is so far from what I wanted!!!

Ahsoka: why are you here?

Maul: i wanted to look at some volcanic rocks! Not a couple!

Rex: then leave

Ahsoka: yeah

Maul: well I'm leaving! Those rocks over there look fun to jump on!

Rex: we litterly just told you to leave.

Maul: as if! No one tells this ol' cockroach what to do!

Ahsoka: did he just call himself a cockroach?

Rex: yep. Oh! I'm getting a transmition.

Ahsoka: c'mon were on vacay. Just leave it.

Rex: sure, my cinomon roll.

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