don't dew it Anakin!

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Darth Sidious: Darth Vader? Where are you?

Anakin: I just finished eating a banana. Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat in the new suit you got me?

Darth Sidious: uh... Yeah.

Darth Vader: well I'm taking it off.

Darth Sidious: you'll die if you fall in lava then.

Darth Vader: you underestimate my power! Pwff, I'm not going to fall in lava.

Darth Sidious: whatev

Obi Wan has hacked into this chat

Obi Wan: hello there. Now what the chicken is going on Anakin? Someone brain washed Cody into killing me. Unless he secretly wanted revenge on me for all the times I forced him to come to my tea parties..

Darth Sidious: kill him! Kill him!!!!

Darth Vader: what? Kill who? Is there a cockroach in your bathtub or something??

Darth Sidious: kill your old master Obi Wan Kenobi!!!! Ya fungus!!!

Obi Wan: wait, why did you change your name to Darth Vader? It sounds like a Sith name or something

Darth Vader:

Darth sidious: oh, he's my apprentice now. Ha ha ha!!!!

Obi Wan: is this true, Anakin?

Darth vader: okay first off my name is Darth Vader. Second off, yeah. This old geezer told me he knows how to have the best vacation ever! I'll show Padme and she'll be sooo jealous

Obi wan: man, Anakin how many Lemmon heads did you eat?!?!

Darth Vader: wait how did you know I had lemmon heads?

Obi Wan: because you always try and become a Sith when you have too many of them.

Darth Sidious: !!!! Kill him now or I won't tell you the secrets of a great vacation!!!

Obi Wan: did you seriously drug Anakin on Lemmon heads?

Darth Sedious: just kill him now Darth Vader!!!!

Darth Vader: sorry old master, but I HAVE to have the best vacay ever.

Darth Sidious: he, he, he! I turned your apprentice against you!!! Na na na na boo boo!!!

Obi Wan: your seriously making fun of me?

Darth sidious: uh...yeah? Now destroy him Darth Vader before he takes away your chance of having an awesome vacation!

Darth Vader: yes, lord Hideous.

Darth sidious: ?!?!? My name is Darth sidious!!!!

Darth Vader: oh, my bad.

Darth Sidious: how did you not pick up on that sooner? I mean that is seriously what my username is!

Darth Vader: idk

Obi Wan: so Anakin are you still going to fight me or something?

Darth Vader: oh, yes! You cannot stop me from becoming the most powerful vacation Lord of all time!!!!

Obi wan: that's... Not even a thing

Darth Vader: well...maybe I'll make it a thing! Now, the battle begins!

On another chat...

Satine: hey, Padme?

Padme: what is it? I was just about to test out these supposingly fireproof oars and boat.

Satine: uh...okay. I just wanted to tell you our guys are fighting each other on the lava rocks.

Padme: Anakin and Obi Wan? Ugg, when will they learn?

Satine: yeah, I feel like were always pulling them out of danger.

Padme: lets just let them burn up and fall in the lava. Maybe then Anakin will finally learn his lesson.

Satine: ooh. Obi Wan almost cut Anakin's other hand off.


Satine: oh, and now almost his leg.

Padme: !!!! I'm going to have to stop them, aren't I?

Satine: yep.

To be continued...

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