Pranking People

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Anakin: Are you ready men?

Jesse: Yes sir!

Fives: Totally! This is going to be so funny

Hardcase: And creepy

Jesse: I'll admit, when I saw this skeleton costume in the back of Anakin's van, I got pretty freaked out

Anakin: Good, good. It was on clearance for like, 5 bucks.

Hardcase: Still, that's a lot of hunting

Fives: ....he meant like money Hardcase, not deer

Hardcase: But you can still hunt for money. I'm always looking. I usually just find a penny, but occasionally a quarter, which I can use to buy a gumball

Jesse: Are you the one who spit gum into my slippers???

Hardcase: Maybe. I don't remember

Anakin: Now is not the time boys. Are you ready to start pranking people? You're job is to record their reactions. This will go viral on holo-tube

Fives: Will it? You only have one view on 'Anakin murders rubber chickens'

Anakin: Pffft, that's just because everyone is too scared to watch it.

Jesse: If I were a rubber chicken I would be.

Fives: ....Me too

Anakin: Anyways, let's get started

Hardcase: Who are we scaring first?

Anakin: Obi Wan. He, he. he

Meanwhile...Obi Wan is talking to Satine

Obi Wan: And so then Anakin shook up the can of Seven Up, then he sprayed it all over Mace Windu!

Satine: Omg, no way 😂😂😂

Obi Wan: Oh, it really happened alright

Anakin: It did. That's what he gets for stealing my microwave

Fives: Aww, look some Obintine 😍😍😍

Jesse: Are you going to do that for every ship?

Fives: Most likely 😍😍😍

Anakin: Okay, here goes in 3...2...1!

Hardcase: Ahhhh!!!!

Obi Wan: Hardcase? What are you-

Anakin comes out in a really creepy skeleton costume

Anakin: Rahgggg!!!

Satine: Ahhhh!!!!

She nearly falls over out of shock

Obi Wan: Anakin, seriously? Am I going to have to hit you with a shampoo bottle?

Anakin: What? Arg, you knew it was me?

Obi Wan: Only you would do something like that. And maybe Maul.

Anakin: Ugggghhh

Fives: That didn't end well

Satine: That was c-r-e-e-p-y. It scared me to death

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