The Sithin' Slide

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Full credit goes to Jimmypd2 for coming up with this awesome idea! Thanks for letting me make it into a story chapter!


Savage: So...what, is this?

Maul: I giant roll of ducktape placed upon the ground perhaps?

Ventress: What the chicken-

Maul: Last time I came to the park some children duck taped me to a tree, so it's not too far off to assume this was a trap to ducktape me to the floor

Ventress: Look, I just came here to enjoy a walk in the park. But that was ruined by that fake cat put upon an RC car. Scared me to death

Savage: How was this relevant to us?

Ventress: I was just letting you know that I'm not letting your idiotic ideas ruin the rest of my day. I'm off to steal some Mantel Mix on Pantora

Maul: We don't have idiotic ideas!!!

Ventress: Just last week you rolled each other up like turkey roll ups then rolled each other down the stairs

Savage: ...We did do that...

Maul: !!! We have ingenious ideas too! Like stealing Grevious's lightsabers so we don't have to find crystals all over again!

Savage: Until he comes to hunt us down for that...

Maul: What did you say?

Savage: Nothing! Oh, hey, look, that person is doing something with that giant duck tape

Maul: That is Anakin Skywalker...and what is he doing? Hand me the binoculars!

Savage: Uh...we don't have those anymore

Maul: What happened to them?

Savage: I...uh...traded them for a pair of sneakers on the black market

Maul: Seriously! How are we even brothers...

Savage: Look! Skywalker, he's- sliding on it?

Maul: Strange, strange indeed.

Savage: It's like, a strangely shaped swimming pool

Maul: A- feet slide

Savage: I was thinking more along the lines of slippin slide

Maul: Pfft, no way it's called that.

Savage: Oh, look! He's leaving! Should we check it out?

Maul: We are lords of the Sith!!! Of course we have to check it out!!

Savage: Woah. This thing is cool

Maul: Which is why you should be the one to test it out first

Savage: Wait-

-Maul pushes him down the slippin slide

Savage: Wahoo!!! It's-

-He hits a tree

Savage: Working. Sort of.

Maul: Clear the way, Zabarak!

-Maul comes sliding through with this crazed serious expression on his face. He then slips and falls

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