Reasons To Hate Fox Chat 101

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Fives has invited everyone to the "Reasons to hate Fox chat"

Fives: Today when I was about to prank someone, Fox shot me with a nerf gun and ruined my cover. So today we will be discussing reasons to hate Fox

Rex: Considering he saved me from getting pranked, I owe him one

Cody: You do know he's the one who vacuumed your slippers up right?

Rex: What???

Kix: Fox is a loser. When I gave him an ice pack for where Fives punched him in the face he just ate the ice cubes. Who does that?

Tup: He...he said I was being a baby when I asked him to kill a spider up on the wall. Turns out, it was just a fake remote control one that Fives made jump on Fox

Jesse: Ha! That was priceless! And my reason for hating Fox is because once, he told me it would kill me if I covered my entire head with sharpie to look like hair. He even took my sharpie away. But don't worry. I got him back and drew a mustache on him while he was sleeping

Hardcase: I was going to jump ontop of the toilet but Fox wouldn't let me. And he got a plunger stuck on top of my head

Fives: I would pay money to see that. And I'm glad we're all in agreement that Fox is a loser.

Ahsoka: Lol there's so many interesting stories about Fox I never knew. All I got against the dude is that he told me to stop running in the halls once.

Anakin: Fox used to all the time report me in for little things. Like, blowing up the microwave with a shoe. Or sticking my peanut butter jelly sandwich on the ceiling. Then, one day I trapped him in a bathroom stall and threatened to kill him if he ever said anything about me again. The next day he saw me flush a rubber chicken down the toilet. I think he learned not to mess with me

Rex: The accuracy and fear of that story is...frightening

Ahsoka: At this point I'm not even surprised

Fives: Does this mean we're going to try and flush General Grevious down the toilet next time?

Echo: Fives I can't believe you. But I'm not complaining about this chat. I mean, Fox is a loser. One time, he took my poptart right out of my hands and started feeding it to the birds. I asked him why, and he said because they were hungrier than I was. Meanehile, Fox is sipping away on his coffee and eating a donut.

Fives: That reminds me of the time when I threw coffee in his face when he told me my shoes looked like a tomato!

Jesse: For the record, you were wearing clown shoes

Fives: It was for a good cause!

Rex: Which is?

Fives: To request to the authorities that they become the official military attire.

Anakin: Ah, Fox. Such a loser.

Fives: Yeah

Fox: The fact that you just invited me to a chat that talks smack about me-

Kix: You added him to the chat?? Wtc Fives

Fox: You are all super immature and childish

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