Jedi Snow Day

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Anakin: Wahoo! Snow!

Obi Wan: Its been snowing all week Anakin

Ahsoka: True

Kit: Yeah. If it doesn't stop, the whole jedi temple is going to be frozen

Shaak Ti: Yikes. Hope we're not inside when that happens

Aayla: I don't think I would survive on the mushrooms and orange soda down in storage

Adi Gallia: Yeah no way. You would think we would get off from work as a jedi with all of this snow

Ahsoka: Oh, not on Mace Windu's watch

Kit: He'd make us come even if there was a blizzard

Vos: Did someone say blizzard? I love those things at Dairy Queen

Adi Gallia: We meant like a snow storm, but yeah, now I really want one, lol

Barriss: Isn't that what ice cream is? Snow?

Shaak Ti: Na, I taste tested some of the snow. I think its water flavored

Anakin: And I thought I was weird

Ahsoka: Uh...Barriss, what are you doing?

Barriss: Trying to get up the steps of the jedi temple without falling

Aayla: Careful. I actually fell once, and man it hurt

Adi Gallia: So that's why you were sitting on an ice pack

Aayla: ....yeah.

Vos: The steps? Please, it's much easier to just jump in through the window. I mean, we can force jump for a reason, ya know

Obi Wan: You've been jumping through a window into the temple for a whole week now?

Vos: Oh, yeah. Much safer than attempting to walk up the steps. Except for the time I scared Master Yoda to death and he started hitting me with a ruler thinking I was a thief

Ahsoka: Okay...

Vos: See ya guys later!

Kit: He just...jumped through the window

Anakin: He's such a weirdo

Obi Wan: Look who's talking

Anakin: I'm going to go fly my van up on the roof, then jump in through the hole in the ceiling I made

Aayla: ....I'm having a hard time deciding which one of them is more extra

Later, at lunch break

Barriss: Let's play in the snow!

Ahsoka: But we've been doing that all week

Adi Gallia: Its boring

Shaak Ti: You've been breathing your whole life. Has that gotten boring?

Adi Gallia:

Obi Wan: Anakin, what are you doing???

Anakin: Stealing these frozen ice cream bars from the freezer and hiding them out in the yard for later use

Ahsoka: Master...why?

Anakin: Because I don't want Master Yoda eating all of them! Besides, squirrels do it all the time.

Adi Gallia: And a lot of times they forget about it, and it grows into a tree

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