The Party Part 1

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Obi Wan: are you sure everything is going to be okay?

Cody: no

Rex: he means we'll try our best General Kenobi

Anakin: yeah, chill bro. We've got this all under control

Ahsoka: yeah, and you're only going to be gone for the weekend

Obi Wan: and Monday too!

Padme: yes, there's a huge difference between one day

Obi Wan: well considering it's you guys, yes, there's a huge difference! -sighs- why did Yoda insists that I have to be the one to all the way into the unknown regions just to get a few cans of green beans?!

Ahsoka: well I mean someone had to do it

Anakin: yeah, were out of green beans. What else am I supposed to eat?

Obi Wan: grapes? Cheetos? Potatoes? There's a thousand things you could eat!

Anakin: still, there's nothing like green beans

Padme: tell that to the peas sitting in my fridge

Jesse: this is random, but I was wondering, what's it like for Yoda to eat green beans? I mean in a way, it's kind of like eating yourself, right?

Rex: -facepalm-

Ahsoka: well you better be off soon Master Kenobi. Doesn't your transport leave in like 5 minutes?

Obi Wan: oh, yeah. Yeah. Now remember if anything crazy happens-

Padme: call you right away, we know

Rex: yep

Anakin: that's litterly the 100th time you've said that. What are you so concerned about?

Obi Wan: you, mostly

Anakin: me? Pfft, as if. What have I ever done?

Padme: oh Anakin

Ahsoka: that is one long list

Obi Wan: you've murdered thousands of rubber chickens, turned to the dark side because you wanted a new job, shaved your eyebrows off to get into the no eyebrows chat, and you even threw my bed out of a window!

Rex: Don't forget about the van

Ahsoka: oh yes. The van...

Anakin: well that's all in the past! I'm a new man now!

Fives: who spilt oil all over the floor! Ow!!!

Anakin: -muffled laughter-

Padme: Oh Ani....

Obi Wan: you sure I should go?

Ahsoka: yes, go. We'll keep an eye on Anakin

Rex: well try our best sir!

Obi Wan: okay. Anakin, don't do anything crazy!

Anakin: okay!

Obi Wan has left this chat

Anakin: so who wants to have a party at Obi Wan's place?!

Hardcase: me!

Fives: ya!

Jesse: only if there's some mountain-dew-it!

Padme: Anakin!

Ahsoka: seriously? Master Kenobi litterly just told you not to do anything crazy!

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