The Leaf Pile

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Rex: Two questions. Why is there a huge leaf pile in the floor, and where are Jesse, Hardcase and Fives?

Fives: Right here sir!

Jesse: I'm....on the roof

Tup: Why???

Kix: Idk but he really is

Rex: And Hardcase?

Hardcase: I'm right here!

He comes out of the leaf pile

Rex: Ah! Please warn me next time you do that

Dogma: So why is there a leaf pile, inside

Hardcase: Me, Jesse, and Fives did it!

Fives: Bro!

Jesse: He didn't even ask that!

Rex: I already knew that. Now for the explanation?

Fives: -sighs- So basically, it all started out when Echo threw an acorn on me

Echo: Bro, I'm telling you, it litterly just fell off the tree

Fives: Oh, I'm sure

Kix: It's very likely that it did just fall

Jesse: What about the corn syrup that got poured on my head? Did it just fall from the sky?


Kix: No to that one

Fives: So anyways, I was arguing with Echo over it, when I heard someone scream

Tup: It was me. Jesse just pranked me with a fake cockroach

Jesse: what? It was close to Halloween! And also I litterly threw an almond at him and he totally freaked out when I told him it was a cockroach

Rex: Sometimes....

Fives: So then I go and check it out, but then I trip right in the doorway because someone spilt apple cider all over the floor

Dogma: I was just getting a cup of it, and then Hardcase comes out of nowhere and scares the chicken out of me

Hardcase: It was close to Halloween! Actually I screamed because I almost burnt my head off with a blow dryer

Kix: I warned you not to do that. Looks like I'll be hiding it from now on

Fives: Oh, hiding it behind the peas in the freezer is a great spot. Nobody ever looks there

Echo: Is that where you hid some of my figurines?

Fives: What? Pfft, as if.

Echo: He hid them there. How could you?

Fives: -shrugs-

Rex: How did this end up with a leaf pile inside?

Hardcase: We got locked away!

Kix: ....we trapped them in the bathroom

Tup: I wasn't for it...until I found out it was them who poured milk in my shoes

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