Ultimate Truth or Dare

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Obi Wan: phew, that was a close one

Fives: the bananas still got smooshed when they were thrown out the window tho

Maul: that wasn't my fault

Dogma: well at least were not the jawa who got smooshed

Anakin: where were we on truth or dare?

Obi Wan: I do believe it was my turn

Jesse: oh, he's going to roast Anakin back

Rex: what the chicken?!?!

Tup: Sorry, I know. Its babyish that I sleep with a stuffed animal

Rex: no, it's not that

Kix: what is it then?

Fives: a message from your girlfriend?

Rex: um...yes actually Ahsoka said this:

Ahsoka: Rex, I caught my shoe on fire

Jesse: whattt

Rex: ?!?!?! How do you even catch a shoe on fire??

Maul: you just throw it in a fire pit. It's not that hard actually

Obi Wan: of course you would know all about that

Rex: what?!??!

Ahsoka: just kidding. Playing truth or dare Rexter 😉

Rex: thats... a relief. Love you, cinnamon roll

Rex: they were playing truth or dare too

Anakin: -gasps-

Fives: you know what this means!

Jesse: #ultimatetruthordare

Obi Wan: this is not going to end well

Anakin has invited Padme, Satine, Ahsoka, Shak Ti, Luminaria, Barriss, Aayla, Adi Galada, and Riyo Churi to the chat

Anakin: so...you guys were playing truth or dare too?

Padme: oh yeah

Obi Wan: then you all know what this means, I presume

Satine: I think I do

Ahsoka: ultimate truth or dare!

Jesse: yeah!

Rex: who's ready?

Riyo Churi: not me! I'm leaving! You people are crazy!

Riyo Churi has left this chat

Padme: well I don't think she'll be coming back any time soon

Fives: so who goes first?

Aayla: it was Ahsoka's turn here

Obi Wan: it was mine here, but I guess Ahsoka can go

Ahsoka: oh, yay! Anakin, truth or dare?

Anakin: dare!

Ahsoka: I dare you to go cover Mace Windu's chambers with chicken nuggets!

Adi Galada: omg

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