Nightly Antics With The 501st

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Rex: Men! Lights out!

Hardcase: Do we have to???

Fives: No!

Rex: Fives-

He gets hit in the head with a pillow

Jesse: Pillow Fight!

Tup: Not with the sequin one though! It kind of hurts!

Dogma: No it doesn't

Echo: Yes it does

Fives: I'll show you!

Dogma: Ow! Fives I'll get you for that!!!

Rex: Hey, everyone needs to calm down and get some-

Hardcase: Brownies!

Rex: No, no, no! I already put them up!

Jesse: Oh, don't worry, we'll put them back away

Fives: If there's any left

Tup: I want the one with sprinkles!

Dogma: But I wanted one too and there's only one!

Tup: I guess you can have it then...

Dogma: No, you called it first

Fives: My bros, I have a solution to all of this.

Rex: No brownies for anyone

Hardcase: I already ate five

Fives: We just add sprinkles to all of them

Hardcase: Can we add bacon bits too?

Jesse: Omg, yes!

Echo: Ew that's gross

Fives: Don't worry, I'll put some broccoli on yours

Echo: Fives!

Rex: Fine. One brownie then off to bed for everyone!

Hardcase: But I don't want to sleep!

Fives: Then let's jump on our beds

Dogma: I can jump the highest

Echo: Without hitting your head?

Fives: So that's how the ceiling got busted...

Tup: I don't have a top bunk and I don't want to break my head

Rex: Then don't jump

Jesse: Come jump on mine! Its lower to the ground

Tup: Whee!!!

Fives: Hey Echo, catch this manual!

Echo: Woah! I actually caught it!

Jesse: Keep tossing it

Echo: Okay

Dogma: Oh....

Hardcase: It just fell in the toilet...

Rex: Okay, that's it, bed for everyone!

Jesse: But we haven't even started our dance party yet!

Fives: Yeah! Echo, put on Immortals by Fall out boy

Dogma: Centuries is better

Hardcase: What about the wheels on the bus? I like that one

Fives: No, that's for babies

Echo: Immortals first, then Centuries

Rex: Boys! That's so loud the separatists could hear across the battlefield!

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