escape! part 5

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Fives: quick, Haroldaz, or Harriet, make a distraction!

Satine: er,um...

Obi wan: look a chicken!

Everyone looks around startled and scared

Fives: jillious, odle, you have to get out of there now!

Rex: what if they see us!

Fives: rip your life then! Scattodle!

Jillious: this is hard!

Anakin in real life: what are you talking about? There's no chicken in here!

Obi wan: sure there is!

Padme: where then?

Obi wan: er,um...

Satine: in my purse! The silly chicken must have jumped in there!

Anakin: likely story...

Obi wan: yeah, its real likely happens a lot actually

Fives through speaking device: okay Agent jillious and agent odle have made it out safely.

Obi wan: well, better go, enjoy your dinner!

Padme: uh, what about your chicken?

Satine: oh, we uh, found it! Yeah, my uh, uncle texted me and said that he found it and put it in the back of his cage.

Obi wan: yeah...

Anakin: this is the weirdest dinner I've had.

Back on texting and speaking devices...

Rex: that was too close!

Ahsoka: yeah, if Anakin caught us we would be roasted alive. Litterly.

Fives: now we have the information, we just have to exploit it! Meahahaha!

Obi wan: seriously, what's with the evil laughing?!

Fives: what? It makes the situation much more dramatic?

Ahsoka: shouldn't we leave now so Anakin doesn't suspect anything?

Fives: yeah, odle and jillious leave first

Rex: thank goodness. I'm getting out of here!

Rex suddenly gets up out of the booth, just as he slips onto a banana peel. He falls on the floor, just as his wig falls off. Anakin and Padme both turn around.

Anakin: wait what the heck? Is that you Rex?

Rex: um... No.

Anakin: wait, a clone with a tugruta... Rex are you on a date with Ahsoka!?

Ahsoka: wha- n-n-no

Rex on speaking device : help are covers been blown!

Fives: uh, uh, Hardcase! Jesse! Bring in the 501st with the paintball guns!

Ahsoka: oh no

The 501st suddenly burst into the restaurant and starts firing paint ball guns all over. Its Pandemonium.

Fives: your welcome, people. Now get out of there.

Rex and Ahsoka run away and obi wan and satine slowly walk away. They are all covered in paint.

Fives: okay, that's enough!

Hardcase: but this is fun!

Jesse: yeah!

Fives: if you value your life get out of there!

Hardcase: okay, were leaving!

Fives: oh, Green Bean, get a few pics. They look hilarious covered in paint.

Green Bean: pictures, I have.

Fives: proof we have! You mean!

So fives so called undercover spies all escape. Just as Anakin and Padme recover from the paint ball fight.

Anakin: craziest date ever

Padme: was that the 501st with paint ball guns?

Anakin: idk, i just know I'm going to roast whoever did this!

To be continued one last time. This has gotten so crazy I don't even know what to think

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