Echo's new bffs

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Echo: hey Fives

Fives: look, for the hundredth time, I'm not reading that book you keep talking about!

Echo: um, that's not what I was going to say

Fives: what then? Are you finally going to help me prank the 501st?

Echo: nope

Fives: what then? Bro, you have never been so mysterious before

Echo: I made some friends

Fives: Like who? Don't tell me their just fictional characters...

Echo: well, their clones. Well, sort of

Fives: where are you going at?

Echo: let me just introduce them to this chat

Echo has added the bad batch to this chat

Hunter: sup?

Cross Hair: well, the sky.

Cross Hair: that's not what you meant, is it?

Tec: no, I highly doubt that is what me meant.

Hunter: I just meant that as a greeting

Cross Hair: okay

Wreaker: ha ha ha!

Hunter: what did you do Wrecker?

Wrecker: I blew up the toaster!

Tec: -facepalm-

Cross Hair: well I guess you could say its toast

Hunter: -sighs- so what's up Echo?

Echo: uh...I was just going to introduce you to my brother

Fives: wow.

Tec: don't take the burnt up toaster as a surprise

Cross Hair: happens a lot.

Wrecker: oh yeah! Now who's ready to bring that jedi temple down!

Echo: Wrecker, I've already told you. You'll go to jail if you blow up the jedi temple

Wrecker: I know, I know... but if all the jedi abandoned it one day I'm blowing it up!

Cross Hair: sure

Fives: these are your new friends Echo?

Echo: yeah. They're pretty cool right?

Fives: yeah. They're cough-crazy-cough- cool.

Hunter: so what do you rags do?

Fives: rags? Did you just call us rags?!

Tec: he meant regs. It's a thing we call you 'average clones.'

Hunter: uh, autocorrect...

Fives: this is exactly did you guys meet Echo?

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