lyric prank

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Fives has added Padme, obi wan, and Rex to this chat

Rex: why did you call is here?

Padme: yeah, I'm kinda busy

Obi wan: if drinking tea is busy, so am I

Fives: I want you guys to do a prank.

Padme: can't you do it yourself?

Rex: yeah. Last time I did a prank for you I ended up in the middle of a food fight

Obi wan: that was actually quite fun to watch. I got it all on video


Fives: just hear me out. I want you guys to do a lyrics prank on Ahsoka, Satine and Anakin.

Rex: what's a lyrics prank?

Padme: you send the lyrics of a song on a text. The other person is usually really confused and its funny. I'll do it I guess.

Obi wan: fine. I guess I will too. But just this once

Fives: great! Will you do it Rex?

Rex: I don't know..

Fives: please please please!

Rex: fine.

Fives: great. Rex do it to Ahsoka, padme do it to Anakin, and Obi wan, do it to Satine.

Obi wan: why did I have to say yes?

Rex: I regret it too.

Fives: just do it or I'll tell Dogma that you ate his cookies!

Rex: fine!

Obi wan: ok..

Padme: what songs do you want us to sing?

Fives: rex, faded by Allen walker, padme, your biggest mistake by Ellie Golding, and obi wan, waiting for love by Avicii

Obi wan: oh God...

Padme: I'm on it!

Rex: I guess I am too.

On another chat...

Rex: Ahsoka are you here?

Ahsoka yeah, why?

Rex: you were the shadow to my light.

Ahsoka: um, are you ok Rex?

Rex: did you feel us?

Ahsoka: what are you talking about?

Rex: another start, you fade away

Ahsoka: what?

Rex: afraid our aim is out of sight

Rex: wanna see us

Ahsoka: ok Rex your freaking me out

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