The Great Easter Feast

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Anakin: So, what kind of weird food is everyone bringing this year?

Ahsoka: You mean to tonight's Easter feast?

Anakin: What else would I mean

Aayla: The great sith feast? Or the party Bail Organa is throwing just down the street. Vos told me he was going to crash it

Adi Gallia: Oh, we all should

Kit: Yeah!

Aayla: No...he plans to litterly crash it, like busting through a window on a zipline and a bicycle handle.

Kit: Oh.

Ahsoka: Yeah no

Anakin: I would, but I got plans

Obi Wan: Please tell me it's not got anything to do with rubber chickens

Anakin: No, of course not. Its Easter, for goodness sake. You're supposed to celebrate with bunnies

Ahsoka: So you plan to...?

Anakin: Paint my van like a giant Easter egg

Obi Wan: Forget I asked.

Kit: Well, for tonight's dinner, I'm bringing jelly bean filled deviled eggs

Aayla: And I'll be serving sweet potato marshmallows with peeps inside

Adi Gallia: So I bought like 50 chocolate bunnies at the store, just because. And, I couldn't eat them all, so I melted them in the microwave and am bringing all sorts of random things to dip them in.

Ahsoka: Like...crackers?

Adi Gallia: I was thinking more ramen noodles, but I can do that too.

Obi Wan: I'll be bringing tea-

Anakim: Please do not say rabbit flavored tea.

Obi Wan: Okay then. Its spring harvest tea.

Ahsoka: As in...grass?

Barriss: I love grass flavor. Reminds me of my blow dryer.

Adi Gallia: Wut

Shaak Ti: I, will be bringing the Easter tablecloths I found at the space-mart.

Barriss: I thought we were supposed to bring food?

Shaak Ti: The tablecloths are edible.

Ahsoka: Oh, wow

Aayla: (Let's not ask about that)

Barriss: I will be bringing a watermelon, and a pineapple. And a butcher knife to cut them all up with.

Ahsoka: Why not cut it before you leave?

Barriss: My kitchen cabinets got bombed and destroyed because of a cheese infestation, which turned out to be Lux, so I have no place to cut it up

Kit: Noted.

Vos: I'm bringing myself, obviously

Obi Wan: And to eat?

Vos: Mountain-dew-it

Anakin: I love that stuff

Obi Wan: Its gross

Plo Koon: I've got the main course of grilled chicken cooking. You all be there by 6:00 sharp. Hey, Wolffe, don't let those bacon strips burn!

Wolffe: What about the chicken?

The chicken is on fire

Plo Koon: Ahhh!!! ....let's change the course to charred chicken instead.

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