The Grilled Rubber chicken Massacre

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Anakin: Hey, anyone free tonight?

Obi Wan: I spend almost every hour of my life making sure you don't get in trouble. Of course I'm not free.

Anakin: Dramatic much?

Ahsoka: I was thinking about going to buy myself a new poncho since my last one caught on fire during our fish fry, but if you've got something fun planned, I'm all for it.

Rex: I don't know...I don't want to get mixed up in another crazy adventure...but them again the 501st is currently using my alovera plant as fake snot to make weird snapchat videos with

Fives: Achoo!

Jessse: Dude, you just got snot all over me!

Hardcase: Let's go prank Maul with this!

Fives: Yeah!!!

Rex: ...Actually, I'm free tonight.

Anakin: Great...great...

Obi Wan: Anakin, what are you planning?

Padme: I am not going. I have an important debate tonight

Anakin: 'bout what?

Padme: ...On why cinnamon rolls should be given out for free to senators

Ahsoka: Lol, add the Jedi in there too

Anakin: Speaking of Jedi...

Kit: Hey guys!

Adi Gallia: Sup?

Aayla: Is there a fun event going on?

Anakin: Yeah. Wanna come?

Shaak Ti: What is it? If it involves shoes, I'm sorry. I just can't.

Ahsoka: ?

Shaak Ti: It's not that I have a phobia of shoes now or anything-

Adi Gallia: -Tosses shoe over in her direction-

Shaak Ti: AHH!!! AHHH!!!!

Kit: Wtc

Anakin: No, it doesn't involve shoes...only, well, consider it a grill out

Rex: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Cody: Probably because we should. But a grill out? I would miss watching a duel between Obi Wan and Grevious for that

Obi Wan: Fortunately, you won't have to. Because I'll be going. I know Anakim is up to something, and I intend to find out what

Anakin: Anyone else wanna come?

Barriss: Eh, I don't know. I have dinner to prepare tonight and all

Lux: Ahhh!!! Hey Barriss, I just blew up your microwave by putting a piece of cheese in there in a metal bowl

Barriss: On second thought, we'll be there

Plo Koon: A grill out, I hear?

Ahsoka: Yes Master Plo

Plo Koon: I will be there with my boys!!! Ever since Mace Windu banned us from grilling in the Jedi Temple, I go to any grill out I can.

Aayla: Why were you banned for?

Plo Koon: -Looks to Obi Wan-

Obi Wan: Let's just say as teenagers, we liked to party.

Plo Koon: And blow things up. Accidentally, of course. But to Mace Windu it doesn't matter

Satine: Be there, I will!

Obi Wan: Satine?

Padme: Why did u talk like Yoda for?

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