May the 4th Part 1

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Adi Gallia: So, has everyone made their vote?

Kit: Yes :)

Shaak Ti: Indeed. I did so on my way back from the refrigerator store

Plo Koon: If you needed a new refrigerator you should've asked me. Once Wolffe accidentally ordered 100 of them, so we still have like, 89 left

Shaak Ti: Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. I actually just went there for a walk

Aayla: I also voted. I can't wait to find out what we're going to be doing on May the 4th!

Barriss: I voted for making statues out of the wax from baby bell cheeses

Lux: I volunteer to be the one to eat the cheese!

Aayla: Okay, that's an...interesting choice

Kit: I voted for a trip to the river! That would be so fun!

Adi Gallia: Until you start to jump out to scare us and pull us under the water

Aayla: Agreed

Vos: I suggested a jumping out of windows contest, but Master Yoda and Mace Windu removed it from the choices

Obi Wan: I can see why.

Ahsoka: I have a feeling it'd come down to Vos and Anakin, lol

Anakin: Well I made my vote

Padme: Anakin are you serious? I don't even have to take a second guess to know you were the one single person who voted to kill rubber chickens for may the fourth

Anakin: ....

Obi Wan: Oh Anakin....

Ahsoka: We should've known, lol

Rex: Yes, we should've

Fives: Aww, look at them agreeing

Rex: Don't start-

Ahsoka: What did you guys vote for?

Fives: Laser tag!

Jesse: Yeahhh!!!!

Echo: I would've picked a whole day of chilling at the library, but with Fives there, it would've been a nightmare

Fives: So my bro here chose laser tag!

Hardcase: Yeah!!! Me too!!!!!!!!

Aayla: That's fun

Bly: I chose it too

Tup: I wasn't really for it until I realized that you didn't actually get shot with a real gun

Ventress: Unless someone brings one anyway


Vos: Woah there

Satine: I voted for a day to steal all of the Death Watch's jetpacks and use them

Padme: Wow Satine

Obi Wan: I didn't know you were capable of doing something so crazy

Satine: Its may the fourth. Anything is possible

Padme: Well, we should know what were going to do tomorrow after all the votes have been cast

Trapper: Don't forget me!!!

Cody: And what are you going to vote for?

Trapper: a-a pet hamster. Getting a pet hamster. I HAVE to have one!!!

Anakin: I had one once.

Ahsoka: Wait, you did?

Trapper: What happened to it?

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