Daylight Savings time

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Obi Wan: I have one question for everyone. Why does my clock say that its 8:00am in the morning when it is clearly the middle of night out?

Anakin: One answer. Daylight savings time

Rex: To put it simply sir.

Obi Wan: Someone explain. Before I throw my alarm clock at you.

Padme: Its a funny story, really. But hey I'm not laughing at waking up at 3:00am in the morning

Ahsoka: Well...okay, so first off, this was everyone's fault

Obi Wan: But mainly Anakin's?

Anakin: No no no. It was Anakin had a great idea and the other guys added on to it.

Fives: The other guys being me

Jesse: And me

Hardcase: And me!

Obi Wan: ...Can someone please just tell me what happened?

Rex: Well, everyone had heard about daylight savings time

Fives: Except a few of us had some misconceptions about it

Cody: I thought it meant something to do with being able to save more money since there was more light out, so I went to the bank....came out feeling like an idiot. It was such an embarrassing moment

Fives: I thought it meant we were supposed to drown all of the alarm clocks and get our revenge on them for waking us up super early

Echo: I think that's what you wanted it to mean

Jesse: I just thought everyone was supposed to buy new clocks for some reason 🤔

Tup: I thought there was some kind of secret mission where the jedi had to go save daylight at a certain time.

Hardcase: I thought it meant we were supposed to blow up a sun.

Obi Wan:

Anakin: Yeah, okay, that one didn't make any sense

Ahsoka: But you get the point. Everyone was confused over it

Rex: So we sat down and explained to everyone what it was.

Padme: And the part about how we change the clocks to one hour later

Rex: This, would be our downfall

Cody: So, you know, the day came

Fives: Well, it was really night.

Jesse: Yeah. I woke up at exactly 12:00am to switch the clocks. Of course, that meant when I changed them it was 1:00am

Dogma: Well, then Tup woke me up because he thought he heard a sound and wanted to make sure it wasn't a ghost

Tup: Robber! I said robber! I'm not scared of ghosts...

Fives: Hey Tup, what's that floating white thing behind you?

Tup: AHHH!!!!

Jesse: Ha! We got ya!

Dogma: So then I looked around using Five's headlight

Fives: Hey! I didn't give you permission to use that!

Dogma: You didn't give me permission to borrow your speakers either, and look at how thay turned out

Fives: !!!! I thought those got stolen!

Echo: Told you it was Dog

Fives: Well I thought you meant a dog, like an animal. Would it kill you to be more clear Echo?

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