200,000 views! 😱 Re-Answering My Q and A

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200,000 views?!?! Are y'all serious? That's cray cray! I CANNOT believe this! That's insane! So to celebrate, I'll be reanswering my questions and answers chapter I did when I reached 1000 views, because so much has changed. Dang, that was such a long time ago.

Anyways, here we go!

1. Do I ship clones with clones? Still no! To me this is weird because like, they're the same person! And they're like, brothers. But if I had to ship two, it would be Jesse and Kix and Idk why

2.  How old am I? Currently 16, but I'm a child on the inside forever :)

3. Top five favorite characters? Ahhhh I hate choosing because there are so many to pick from! I'd say, Ahsoka, Rex, Thrawn, Maul, and Bo Katan? Oh it's impossible to say!

4. My favorite Star Wars movie? Probably Return of the Jedi, right in front of The Empire Strikes back. Here's a list;

Return of the Jedi

The Empire Strikes Back

The Seige of Mandalore (Yes, this counts)

Revenge of the Sith

A new hope

The phantom menace

The sequels do not exist

5. Do I still go to school? Na, homeschooled all the way. I might start some college classes soon though. Idk.

6. Do I have pets? Of course! Three lovely cats, Puff, Jax, and Ginger, a whole bunch of chickens that I tried to name. I have a special one that's lavender that I named Lilly, but she's too fast and won't let me catch her. And then there's Marmalade, who I call Marm for short. She's so sweet. And then there's this mean white one that I can't think of a name to call her. There's a lot more too, but I don't care about them as much. We also currently have a bottle calf I named Mapple, whom I call Mapes, which my brothers hate me calling her. Lol, I'm kinda the queen of naming things around here.

7. What is my favorite book? So for years I never knew what it was like, to get so obsessed with a book, to read it over and over again, to smile and cry at the same time, to totally change your life in every way- until I read The Outsiders. This book is- I can't even put into words how much it means to me. It kills me but brings me back to life at the same time. Please, I beg of you, to read it right now. It totally tore me apart.

8. What are my hobbies? I love to do all sorts of things will dolls. I collect them, make dioramas and miniature items, I even make videos and take pictures of them. And of course, writing. I'm still, still, after an eternity, working on my first ever novel. I've always dreamed of being an author when I'm older. I also love to cook, or well bake mostly. I love being able to do all sorts of creative and crafty things.

9. Have I watched After Passion? Still no. I kinda wander what its about now.

10. What's the worst movie I've ever watched? Probably the Last Jedi now, lol. I've become a huge sequel hater. Not that I'm mean to anyone who likes them, I just, really don't stand them

11. My birthday and zodiac signs? I was born on February 1st, 2005 so I'm an aquarius, and I sure as heck act like one.

12. Favorite ship? Out of Star Wars? Probably Sabezra or Rexsoka. I love these both so much! It melts my heart the bonds each character has with one another. Just the trust between them- ahh its enough to kill me. You should know, I always value a platonic friendship above any old love story

13. What are the saddest clone deaths/sacrifices? Why must I answer this question again? 😭😭😭

Jesse. I can't even put it into words. Every time I see him helmet I just cry. He died like a villian, when his brothers got to be heroes. I'm sorry, I can't-

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