Lord Hideous

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*back to the trip after all those holiday specials*

Anakin: padme, are you here?

Padme: are you over your little jealously temper tantrum yet?

Anakin: I wasn't jealous! And I just wanted to text you that I'm getting a new job with better pay than the Jedi, plus an actual seat! I still can't believe Mace Windu made me stand up the whole time in that meeting!

Padme: okay, first who offered you a job? I thought we were on vacation

Anakin: oh, it was actually emperor palpatine, but he said I could call him Darth hideous, or was it sidius?

Padme: wait, that sounds like a Sith lord or something


Anakin: oh... He is a Sith lord actually.

Padme: !?!?!?! YOU CANT JUST BECOME A BAD GUY BECAUSE YOU ARE JEALOUS OF SOMEONE'S VACATION!!!!! Seriously Anakin... I would think that by now you would've known that

Anakin: okay first, my new name is Darth Vader.

Padme: then why is your username still Anakin?


Anakin has changed his name to Darth Vader

Padme: seriously... Second off why are you telling me this over text messages?!? This is like, life changing.

Darth Vader: okay well if your just going to argue with me I'm leaving.

Padme: where are you even going?

Darth Vader: I'm going to find a banana. I'm starved.

Padme: often I question why I even married you.


Darth Sidious: so... Did y'all kill all the Jedi?

Echo: Rexoka happened so fives fainted out of shock and then they escaped. So... No.





Jesse: it was Hardcase's fault!

Hardcase: wha- no..  I just wanted a donut.

Darth sidious: -facepalm- sigh- what happened???

Tup: well, we were all going in a group to execute order 66.

Kix: tup insisted.

Jesse: yeah, he was kinda scared.

Tup: weren't we all?!?!

Echo: just keep going with the story bros.

Dogma: we were just walking with all our weapons through mustafar, totally scaring all those little jawa dudes out of their wits, when...

Kix: we saw it.

Jesse: it was so terrifying... Yet irresistible.

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