Q And A

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1. Will Mace Windu finally talk to Palpatine about the Avengers Initiative?

Noooo. He's like Thanos himself. I mean the whole 'I am the Senate' is just like 'I am Inevitable.'

2. Can Baby Yoda come and bite the separatists and Sith?

Depends who....and that would require some time travel....I'm interested.

3. What is your favorite clone wars arc?

Hmm....probably the siege of Mandalore. It was epic! But then it's a really tough competition between the other ones with Maul and the Death Watch taking over Mandalore. Those are my top two though.

4. How'd you get into Star Wars?

Well....as a kid I'd watched all the movies. My dad was a star wars fan, and our family loves scifi. What really pulled me in though was the clone wars. I'm not really sure how it started....I began to learn about the other jedi and stuff, then it led me into the clone wars, and then when I found out about all the crazy stuff that happened, like Maul being alive, Fives finding out about order 66 and a whole bunch of stuff like that, I was hooked. And then I was slowly consumed into Star Wars. Like, I'm not really sure how I became the star wars nerd of the family, but you know, I did.

5. Have you played Amoung Us yet?

Nooo and I want to try it. Like two of my best friends started playing it and it's like all over the place now. I can't however, because we have limited internet. I might try to anyways though!

6. Do you like musicals? If yes, can you pick a favorite?

Ohh, no actually I'm not the biggest fan of musicals. Their just kinda weird for me. I'm more of a action scifi kinda girl. If I had to choose a favorite...well, okay, I actually haven't seen that many. Probably Barbie The Princess and the Pauper, or the Island Princess. Idk man, I truthfully haven't seen like any. Maybe I should try some.

7. Do you know any other languages besides English?

Nope, unfortunately not. It's just not the most interesting thing that I feel like learning. I know one sentence in Spanish however;

"Ohla Amigo, dona esta albino aporphovoire?"

Translation: Hello friend. Do you know where the bathroom is?

8. What are some of your hobbies also how do you come up with this stuff it's so good.

Aww, thank you so so much for the compliment. I really truly appreciate hearing that. As for my hobbies....I try all sorts of random things. I bake, (mainly desserts), I like crafting and making miniature furniture, and also writing, if you couldn't tell. I also enjoy doll photography. Then I just try random stuff out. Like once I got into yoga and meditation....

As for how I write the clone wars text, its literally just the randomest things that come to mind. First though, I always have to make sure I know my characters. Their the very soul of the story. I have to change them up, maybe exaggerate a trait, or just add something totally random to them to give them life and humor. I mean, this story wouldn't be as funny if the characters acted like they did in the show, right?

And I guess that was all the questions! Thanks for giving me some to answer. I really enjoy it. Almost as much as I enjoy writing the clone wars text. Which brings me to a question for you, my fans. Should I change the title of this book? I mean, at first it was text, but know it's just insane things that happen. So should I change the title to something like; Hilarious texts and tales of the clone wars? What do you guys think?

And we haven't gone too far down hill, have we? I always feel like I've strayed too far. I want my humor to be hilarious, not stupid. Is it still that way?

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