Revenge On Fives Part 2

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Shak Ti: I can't believe I'm doing this

Satine: you'll be perfect!

Padme: now ask him!

On a chat with Shak Ti and Fives..

Shak Ti: hey Fives

Fives: oh, hey Shak Ti. Got anything new on Rexsoka?

Shak Ti: um, no. Well, maybe a little something

Fives: what??? A little something is everything!

Shak Ti: I just saw them send each other heart emojis, that's all. But there's, uh, something else I want to ask you

Fives: okay?

Shak Ti: do you...want to go on a date?

Fives: ....

Fives to himself: whew, I never expected this to happen. Like what??? This is so sudden and unexpected

Fives: uh...where to?

Shak Ti: I don't know. How about Space Mcdonalds?

Fives: yum! Sure. I wanted some of those new happy meals

Shak Ti: oh, me too.

Fives: see you there then. Tonight at say, 6?

Shak Ti: yeah, that would be great

Fives: okay then. Oh, one more thing! You can't tell anyone! Anyone! You hear?

Shak Ti: yeah...why?

Fives: because then they'll make fun of me! That's why I've never asked anyone out before!

Shak Ti: oh, okay. Bye, see ya there

On another chat...

Tec: okay, I've hacked in. Looks like their going on a date!

Rex: yes!!

Ahsoka: phase one is now complete!

Anakin: wow, I never knew my padawan was a mastermind

Luminara: I wish mine was

Bariss: I sell fruit at a fruit stand! What more could you want??

Luminara: a lot of things

Shak Ti: seriously? You were spying on us?

Ventress: get used to it because were going to be doing a whole lot more!

Vos: she meant that it a good way...I think

Ahsoka: it was a safety percussion

Padme: Seriously? To Space Mcdonalds on your first date??

Satine: there's so many more fancy places you could've gone!

Shak Ti: what? It was the first thing that came to my mind. And this will be our ONLY date

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