how to make ships happen

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Obi wan: not this again...

Ahsoka: well I'm leaving

Satine: why did you call us here this time master Skywalker?

Anakin: because I want to make my ships happen!

Obi wan: goodbye!

Satine: how many times have we told you me and obi wan aren't a couple?

Obi wan: yeah!

Anakin: fine, I have a new player

Obi wan: who else could I possibly be shipped with?

Anakin has added Ventress to this chat

Ventress: hello, my dear obi wan

Satine: who's she?

Ventress: lose it girl! Obi wan's mine!

Ventress kicked Satine out of this chat

Obi wan: oh my god. Why did you do that for Ventress?

Ventress: so only I can have you

Obi wan: oh god.

Rex: well this is extremely weird and creepy

Ahsoka: obi wan and ventress, I mean, that's weirder than Rexoka

Anakin: speaking of that...

Anakin has added Lux to this chat

Ahsoka: oh my god

Lux: hey, girlfriend.😘

Ahsoka: eww

Rex: this is weird too...

Lux: lose it man! Ahsoka's mine!

Lux kicked Rex off this chat

Ahsoka: seriously Lux?

Lux: well I can't let him have my precious cinnamon roll

Ahsoka: don't call me that! EVER

Anakin: only Rex can call her that...

Ahsoka: skyguy!

Ventress: well, since were all free, why not meet up?

Obi wan: who said were free?

Ahsoka: yeah. And I'm not going anywhere with you know who

Lux: you must mean that clone

Ahsoka: no I do not

Ventress: well all you idiots are just texting so your obviously doing nothing

Obi wan: I have work!

Anakin: no you don't! You told me this morning that you were done with it all!

Obi wan: I got more

Ventress: what's the matter poor Obi? Are you scared of me?

Obi wan: what? no! I..

Ahsoka: he is. But I don't blame him

Lux: come on! Where do you want to go dear?

Ahsoka: no where! And don't call me that either!

Ventress: okay. Its settled. Were all meeting up to eat at that China resturant

Lux: sounds good. Should I pick you up, Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: no. I'm busy

Lux: with what?

Anakin: yeah

Ahsoka: I'm going to the arcade, with Rex.

Anakin: when did that happen?

Lux: plz you just made it up

Ahsoka has added Rex back to this chat

Rex: um, hello?

Ahsoka: are you ready to go to the arcade?

Rex: what?

Ahsoka: hehem

Rex: oh yeah! I just remembered. I'll meet you there Ahsoka

Ahsoka: hehem

Rex: I mean, my cinnamon roll

Lux: what, no!

Anakin: ooh a date!

Ahsoka: were going as friends!

Anakin: then why did you make Rex call you his cinnamon roll?

Ahsoka: to shove it in lux's face

Lux: how rude!

Ahsoka: gotta go!

Ahsoka and Rex have left this chat

Obi wan: that's one way to get out of this mess

Ventress: one couple down, but were still ready to go, obi

Obi wan: actually, I remembered I'm already busy.

Ventress: what's you excuse this time Kenobi?

Obi wan has added Satine back to this chat

Obi wan: are you ready to go to the movies?

Satine: what?

Obi wan: remember???????😜😉

Satine: oh yeah! I'm ready

Anakin: this is so good. -munches popcorn-

Obi wan: sorry Ventress, maybe another time!

Ventress: I'll get you one day!!!

Obi wan and Satine have left this chat

Ventress: there goes our dates

Lux: hey maybe me and you-

Ventress: no chance Bonatari


Anakin: and that's how you get your ships to happen!


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