Anakin's Job

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Anakin: guys, I need a job

Padme: you already have one

Satine: yeah, aren't you a jedi?

Anakin: but that's not really like a job job. Its more of an enslavement

Obi Wan: Anakin, being a jedi is not slavery

Ahsoka: yeah, your helping people. Most of the time anyways

Anakin: not a slave, eh? So being kidnapped and forced to learn your whole life to use your magical abilities and never being able to get mad, or get married or even date and being forced to fight in a war isn't enslavement?


Obi Wan: that's a very interesting way to look at things....

Rex: I guess he is sorta right. I mean, we really can't do exactly what we want...

Satine: this is why I choose not to fight in a war!

Obi Wan: let's not turn this chat into politics you all. I've heard enough of Anakin arguing to Mace Windu about a raise

Anakin: what? I really want to become a jedi master AND have a seat on the council

Ahsoka: like that'll happen...

Padme: maybe if you quit pranking Master Windu all the time then he would be more likely to agree with you

Anakin: na, I could never give up pranking him! His baldness makes his facial expressions even more hilarious

Rex: is that why you prank me all the time General?

Anakin: na, your just easy to prank. And also I don't have to go into hiding so often

Rex: ah

Ahsoka: dont grow hair. Your baldness makes you perfect

Rex: 😍❤😍

Satine: that's kinda...weird.

Padme: no weirder than you saying Obi Wan's beard makes him perfect

Satine: 😳

Obi Wan: well that is quite true. I wouldn't be the same without it

Anakin: back to the point guys! I need a job!

Ahsoka: why though?

Anakin: because we spent all of the republic's credits so now I can't buy anything

Obi Wan: just sell your segway then

Anakin: no!

Padme: for your information Anakin, any money you make is going straight into the republic's bank account. I still can't believe you all wasted your money on segways...

Rex: it would be pretty unbelievable if they didn't do stuff like that all the time though

Anakin: but we do! So I was thinking about getting a job at McDonald's. What do you guys think?

Satine: uh, they don't have very good pay

Rex: and they get robbed often. Its usually just Maul or Grevious though

Anakin: yes, very true. What about the mall? I could be a police there on my segway!

Padme: I just feel like you would aid the criminals in escaping

Anakin: maybe if they had something I really wanted that we could split...

Ahsoka: my master is a criminal

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