The Floor Is Lava

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Anakin has added everyone to the chat

Anakin: Hello my peeps

Count Dooku: I'm not your "peeps"

Anakin: Agreed, you're not

Obi Wan: What happened this time Anakin?

Padme: did you blow up the toaster?

Ahsoka: Catch the dumpster on fire again?

Rex: Kill another thousand or so rubber chickens?

Maul: Toilet Paper my house again??

Anakin: No, but we should do that

Savage: well, on the bright side, we didn't have to buy toilet paper for a month after that

Ventress: ...ew

Vos: So why did you call us all here again?

Satine: Nothing embarrassing like ships please

Anakin: Oh, that'll be for later...😏😏😏

Rex: 😣

Ahsoka: 😣

Obi Wan: 😣

Satine: 😣

Fives: (Invite me in general)

Padme: so then why are we all here? I was kind of busy you know

Maul: Me as well

Obi Wan: Doing what? Plotting revenge on me?

Savage: No, he's jumping on his bed and eating cheetos. Don't get orange all over the ceiling!

Maul: Savage! I'll do what I want!

Anakin: I called you all here because...the floor is lava!

*Everyone Panicks*

Count Dooku: I won't play your petty games Skywalker

Tup: Yeah, I'm dead

Fives: Come on! You could've made it ontop of the ship if you jumped!

Tup: I don't want a broken leg

Maul: Good thing I was on the bed

Savage: And I on the couch

Adi Gallia: I have a ton of tables in my room for a reason

Ventress: I'm in a bean bag. Vos, what was that sound?

Vos: jumping off the stair rail onto the fridge. Don't worry, it's still working

Ventress: I often wonder why I even know you

Anakin: Ha! Did anyone else get out?

Obi Wan: you think that you could beat me?

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