The Pumpkin Patch

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Anakin: Hey guys, I have a surprise!

Ahsoka: Is it a good one?

Rex: If it's not, I really don't even know if I want to hear it

Anakin: I'm bring all of you guys to the pumpkin patch!

Ahsoka: Really? I always wanted to go there!

Rex: I does sound like fun

Anakin: Oh, it's going to be! Everyone's going to love it!

Ahsoka: By everyone you mean?

Rex: ?

Anakin: Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Echo, Dogma, Tup, me, and you two

Ahsoka: Ah

Rex: The crew

Ahsoka: You're not inviting Obi Wan?

Anakin: No. He was being mean yesterday

Rex: How?

Anakin: He told me that it was rude to slam the door in people's face

Ahsoka: Well I mean it is

Anakin: Do you want to be excluded too?

Ahsoka: Uh, no. But I might later if this turns out...

Rex: Crazy?

Ahsoka: Crazy.

Anakin: Its like you guys never want to have any fun!

Rex: More like we don't want to end up in jail

Anakin: You better quit sassing me you two

Ahsoka:'re the one sassing us

Anakin: Snips! I'm leaving now! You can come or not!

So they all get in the van and head off to the pumpkin patch

Jesse: Woah!

Hardcase: I've never been to a pumpkin patch before

Dogma: Uh that's because were supposed to be soldiers, fighting in a war

Anakin: Not today my men

Tup: I have a question

Kix: You always do

Rex: Yes?

Tup: Why is it called the pumpkin patch? I mean, why not the animal patch? I bet there's more animals here than pumpkins


Rex: You're asking the wrong person

Anakin: Just cause. Now time to get out! We're here!

Fives: Yessss!!!! I've wanted to come here forever!

Echo: You litterly just found out the pumpkin patch existed yesterday

Fives: Bro, don't ruin the moment

Tup: Are those- baby pumpkins?

Kix: 🤨

Rex: Uhhh

Ahsoka: Sure

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