Accidental Space Dads Chat

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*The Mando has added Hunter, Plo Koon, kanan, and Darth Vader to the 'accidental space dads' chat*

The mando: Hey, so, I was just scrolling around on Spacebook, and it looks like we all have something in common.

Kanan: I see where you're going

Hunter: We accidentally became space dads.

Plo Koon: Indeed, yes

The Mando: Yeah.

Darth Vader:

The Mando: So how did it like, happen for you?

Kanan: Well, you know, hard times in the war, two emotionally insecure teens with a lot of issues. My girlfriend took the role of a mother, so it was only natural I became the father of our space fam.

Hunter: Cute little kid came along. I was the only capable one in the bunch. What else was I supposed to do?

Plo Koon: Well...I wasn't supposed to get attached, but I kind of adopted little 'soka and the whole pack

Kanan: Wait, how many kids do you have?

Plo Koon: don't want to know

Darth Vader: I became a father on accident. And then I didn't even know my kids were alive until almost 20 years later

The Mando: That's rough buddy

Hunter: How'd you get your kid?

The Mando: There was a bounty on him. But he was too cute so I kinda adopted him and made it my mission to bring him to his kind.

Kanan: Cute, innocent kids. Sure are hard to refuse.

Hunter: Tell me about it

The Mando: Trust me when I say there's nothing cuter than my son

Plo Koon: Have you seen little 'Soka? No one is cuter than her

Hunter: But Omega is so sweet!

Kanan: My kids are a little too old for this, but they are literal cinnamon rolls

The Mando: Well just take a look at this!

The Mando: Well just take a look at this!

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Plo Koon: Cute, but:

Plo Koon: Cute, but:

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