Jedi Game Night

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Ahsoka: I bet tonight will be super fun!

Aayla: Yeah, me too!

Kit: This is our first ever Jedi game night afterall

Obi Wan: Once, when I was but a padawn, we had a game night

Ahsoka: What happened?

Obi Wan: ...It's best you not know

Ki-Adi-Mundi: Indeed so.

Anakin: Oh wait- I know about this one. Once I had Madame Jocasta pull up all the files on the craziest things to ever happen in the temple

Vos: Bet ya I really contributed to that list

Obi Wan: More than anyone else.

Ahsoka: So what did they do Skyguy?

Anakin: Long story short, Yoda got mad over losing at connect four, so he cut the game in half, then started a fire by accidentally knocking a candle stick over

Aayla: 👀

Adi Gallia: Wow. I did not see that coming

Barriss: Hey guys! I'm here! And I brought this potato so we can play hot potato

Shaak Ti: Oh, let me see. Ow!!! That's hot!

Luminaria: Its called hot potato for a reason. Now who wants to start with duck duck goose?

Ahsoka: That game is for younglings!

Barriss: Yeah!

Plo Koon: The Wolf pack love to play that game to pass the time

Anakin: I say we start with Clue! I'll be Colonel Mustafar!

Obi Wan: You only want to be him because I always am

Ahsoka: I'll be Master Avar Kriss

Ki-Adi-Mundi: Anyone up for a little monoply?

Adi Gallia: Oooh no. Last time I played that, I was in it for a whole week. A week. Master Yoda is unbeatable. I'm starting with Uno! Who wants to play!

Aayla: Me!

Kit: I'm in!

Eth Koth: I'm in too

Mace Windu: I'm up for some monoply.

Saesse Tiin: Eh, why not? What else I got to do, die by some Sith Lord?

Sidious: In time...

Saesse Tiin: Woah! I think I just heard a ghost

Yoda: Play monopoly, I will. Dominate the galaxy, I will.

Anakin: Master Yoda, you're starting to sound like a Sith Lord.

Yoda: Only in Monoply, I am.

Vos: Okay, I do not play board games, so I brought my own virtual reality headset

Aayla: You stole that from a store, didn't you?

Vos: ...How did you know?

Aayla: The news saying some weirdo flexible guy with long caveman like hair steals a virtual reality set

Vos: I should've worn a wig like Ventress suggested...

Barriss: I'm going to play old Sith Lord. (This is a parody of Old Maid, lol)

Luminaria: I will join you Padawn.

Plo Koon: As will I. I only wish Wolffe would've joined us. He would love this

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