Dating Disaster

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Padme: Anakin, are you sure it's a wise idea to go here?

Anakin: Why not?

Padme: Because there's supposed to be a ton of other people at this event, and if they see us together they might think, you know, that we are together!

Anakin: Yeah. But we are

Padme: And they can't know that!!!

Anakin: Right. I don't want Yoda to hit me with a stick. He does that every time I disobey a Jedi rule. Which is a lot actually

Padme: No wonder your thinking is so impaired 🙄

Anakin: Wait a minute-

Padme: Please don't tell me your shoe is untied

Anakin: No. Look. Is that Ahsoka? With Rex?

Padme: Say whattt???

Meanwhile, across the room:

Ahsoka: Man, it's so fun here

Rex: The boys would love these hot dogs wrapped in banana peels. Its weird, just like them

Fives: Bold of you to assume were not here

Ahsoka: Ahh!!!

Rex: Fives! What are you doing here???

Fives: Spying on you. You are on a date, right?



Fives: I'll take that as a yes.

Rex: Leave!!! Before I make you scrub the barracks!

Fives: Okay....

Ahsoka: I feel like he's always watching us.

Rex: I think he is. But now were alone

Ahsoka: So what I was thinking was, tommorow night wd get a milkshake and then go prank Anakin

Rex: Its a date!

Ahsoka: He'll have no idea it was us who filled his refrigerator with rubber chickens...

Anakin: Hey guys

Rex: Ahhh!!!

Ahsoka: Master! What are you doing here? With Padme?

Anakin: Uhh...what are you doing here? With Rex?

Rex: Were just, um...

Ahsoka: Eating these hot dogs wrapped in a banana peel

Anakin: That exists? I'm so trying it! 

Ahsoka: And what about you?

Padme: Were just, talking. Like two normal people who have nothing going on between them at all. 

Anakin: Except friendship! 

Padme: Yeah. We're gonna...keep walking

Ahsoka: Man, that was close. If Skyguy knew I was on a date with you-

Rex: He'd never stop making fun of us. 

Ahsoka: And he would tell Yoda who would slap me with a stick probably for not following all of the Jedi rules. 

Rex: Speaking of that, is that Kit Fisto with Aayla Securia?

Meanwhile, across the room:

Aayla: This was such a fun place for a date!

Kit: Selfie time! Smile!

Aayla: Too bad we can't share it with anyone. 

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