Yoda Goes Fishing

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Anakin: So, uh, where exactly are we going, Master Yoda?

Obi Wan: Shhh!!!

Kit: We don't want him to loose focus

Vos: Man, how long can this dude mediate for

Mace Windu: Hours, if the situation is dire enough

Vos: My records five

Anakin: Minutes?

Vos: No, seconds

Plo Koon: No wonder you never think before you act...

Yoda: A surprise for you all, I have

Anakin: Still trying to figure out if that's a good thing or a bad thing...

Obi Wan: As long as it isn't anything like the time we went bungie jumping through Dagobah, I'll be satisfied

Vos: But it was so fun! Until I hit a tree. And a snake bit me

Kit: Dude, you are one wild man.

Plo Koon: If you can even consider him a man

Mace Windu: So what is this about Master Yoda?

Yoda: Fishing, we will be going. :)

Anakin: Fish-ing? Is that like shopping, but for fish?

Obi Wan: -Facepalm- I have failed as a Master

Vos: So basically, you jump in the water, hide, then you attempt to catch a fish with your bare hands.

Kit: Uhhh

Plo Koon: I do believe we will be using a more...civilized version

Yoda: Indeed, yes. Fishing rods

Anakin: This is like a lightsaber, with no light

Vos: A saber! I challenge you to a duel Anakin Skywalker!!!

Anakin: Challange excepted Quinlan Vos!!!

Obi Wan: Stop it before you knock someone into the water

Mace Windu: I agree-

Anakin "accidentally" knocks his fishing hat off into the water

Mace Windu: mY hAt

Yoda: Focus now, we must. A hard skill, fishing is

Plo Koon: Surely it's no harder than learning jazz

Kit: What

Plo Koon: What

Yoda: First, grab a worm you must, and place if on the end of your pole, this like

Anakin: We get to pick worms!

Vos: Oh! These things come free? I thought you could only buy them at the candy isle!

Obi Wan: That is not the same type of-

Anakin: Delicious.

Mace Windu: Do not eat the bait!

Kit: Here, like this?

Yoda: Very good job, you have done Master Fisto

Plo Koon: I have to admit, I find this practice a bit strange

Obi Wan: It's nothing compared to Anakin's shenanigans

Anakin: I think I'll stuff some worms in my shoe for later

Mace Windu: What's the next step Master Yoda?

Yoda: Throw your line out into the river, you shall

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