The Official Bald chat

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Jesse has invited Rex, Cad Bane, Pre Visla, Rako Hardeen, Ventress, Mace Windu, Wreaker, and Hardcase to 'the bald chat'

Rex: are you serious?

Ventress: a literal bald chat?

Mace Windu: sometimes I wonder about you clones...

Jesse: come on! After that whole no eyebrows chat, everyone was thinking this!

Cad Bane: I sure wasn't.

Pre Visla: what the shoe do you even do on this chat?

Jesse: somebody's been hanging out with Maul...

Pre Visla: what makes you say that?

Rako Harden: the whole what the shoe thing gave it away

Ventress: yeah, majorly. What is that guys obsession with shoes?

Rako Hardeen: same! Like why shoes of all things?!

Rex: why a bald chat of all things?

Wreaker: yeah! We should have a blowing things up chat!

Hardcase: oh! I'll blow up the microwave!

Rex: no Hardcase don't!

Jesse: ....its too late

Ventress: na, we should have an "I kill people chat"

Rako Hardeen:


Mace Windu: ...what?

Cad Bane: yeah. I kill people all the time

Jesse: guys this isn't a murder chat!

Ventress: but it could be

Wreaker: oh, I just blew up my shoe!

Rako Hardeen: again with the shoes!

Rex: why did you blow up your shoe???

Wreaker: because I felt like it. And there was a cricket inside. (Crosshair is scared of them)

Crosshair: ...not really...

Jesse: get off! Your not bald!!!

Jesse has kicked Crosshair out of the 'bald chat'

Jesse: all done

Cad Bane: if you have a bug problem, you can call me

Wrecker: why would I need to call you?

Cad Bane: besides being the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, I also have an exterminating business

Ventress: what?!

Rako Hardeen: ...that's crazy

Rex: everything is

Jesse: not this salad

Wrecker: na, bugs are fun to squish!

Mace Windu: how disturbing

Pre Visla: okay, unless this chat actually has something of value said, then I'm leaving

Jesse: I lost my safari hat at Naboo and I can't find it. Please tell me if any of you see it

Pre Visla has left this chat for good

Ventress: I would leave too, but then I couldn't laugh at your stupidity

Rako Hardeen: -facepalm-

Wrecker: who wants to blow up McDonalds with me!

Hardcase: nooo!!!! I love that place!

Wrecker: oh, then let's blow up the jedi temple! I'll bring the firecrackers!

Mace Windi: nooooooo!!!! I'll put you in jail for that!

Ventress: doubt it. You all have been after me for years, and no one has even come close to capturing me

Rako Hardeen: maybe because the jedi don't have time to chase a bounty hunter

Cad Bane: then why are they chasin me?

Rako Hardeen: ...because you do really bad stuff!

Rex: like kill bugs apparently, lol

Cad Bane: laugh all you want, but I'm well on my way to becoming a billionaire

Mace Windu: everyone get over here and stop these clones from blowing up the jedi temple!

Rex: wrecker you'll go to jail if you do that!

Wrecker: but I wanna blow it up!

Mace Windu: I'll give anyone a life time supply of chicken nuggets if you stop this insane clone right now!

Cad Bane: I'm coming

Ventress: not before me!

Rako Hardeen: I'll get there first!

Rex: seriously? Just for chicken nuggets?

Jesse: Rex, I'm borrowing your speeder so I can get there faster!

Rex: -sighs- Wrecker, I'll give you something else to blow up

Wrecker: like what?

Rex: uh, what about a broken bed? And a random shoe from Maul's last attack?

Wrecker: oh, yeah! Fine, I'm turning around!

Rako Hardeen: seriously? That's like saying you can blow up a dumpster

Rex: eh, it worked. Now I guess that life time supply of chicken nuggets is mine!

What's Rex going to do with a life time supply of chicken nuggets? 😂😂😂

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