late may the fourth(clones only)

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Fives: ahh!

Rex: what is it fives?

Fives: I missed may the fourth!

Tup: what's may the fourth?

Fives: uh, a day to celebrate all of us star wars charcaters! And I missed it!

Echo: I didn't.😏

Fives: you did! Why didn't you celebrate or tell me!

Echo: I was enjoying the savoring moment of your agony in the future. And why do you think I was reading the Ahsoka novel?

Rex: back off, dude!

Fives: 😱😱😱. I think I'll just screenshot that...

Rex: I mean, uh, back off of those pushups. You've done a great job echo.

Echo: (secretly to himself) yes!!!

Tup: um, okay. I think I'll just go back to gardening

Rex: when did you get a garden?

Tup: oh, I just started one. I've always wanted to grow some fresh produce

Fives: just don't grow any broccli!

Rex: why?

Echo: he hates broccoli. Like he litterly picked all of the broccoli out of his soup yesterday.

Rex: Fives..

Fives: quit being a tattle tail! And what? Broccoli is nasty!

Tup: okay, fine.

Jesse and Hardcase have entered the chat

Jesse: hey bros.

Hardcase: has anyone litterly seen dogma's room?

Rex: no, why?

Jesse: its covered in broccoli.

Tup: why?

Echo: probably to ward fives away

Hardcase: wait, is fives a werewolf but broccoli works instead of garlic? I better get some!

Echo: uh, no. Fives just doesn't like broccoli.

Rex: okay, tell me all of you guys most hated foods.

Jesse: hot peppers

Tup: eggplant

Echo: tomatoes

Hardcase: I like everything!

Rex: great. I'll go collect all of those foods and put them all around my room so I can finally have some peace!

I sometimes wonder how annoyed rex gets at the 501st.

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