Fives Confirms ships

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Fives: I need to know.

Ahsoka: need to know what?

Anakin: yeah

Rex: if you want to know who set the microwave on fire, it was Hardcase

Fives: no, I already knew that. It was obvious. I need to know something much more valuable

Satine: what could that possibly be?

Obi Wan: anything.

Rex: true

Anakin: so what do you need to know?

Padme: yeah, I'm kinda a little busy

Fives: well, you've all probobly realized I've only called certain people here...for a reason

Ahsoka: oh no.

Obi Wan: don't tell me it's the return...

Satine: of....of....

Rex: Fives don't do it

Padme: plz

Anakin: come on and just reveal it already we know what this is

Fives: it's the return of the couples chat!

Rex: -facepalm-

Ahsoka: whyyy

Satine: just leave us alone please. It's impossible not to get embarrassed when we have to chat on these types of chats

Obi Wan: yeah. Can't this just be a friends chat?

Anakin: na, I kinda like it

Padme: unless there's actually something important, I'm leaving

Fives: yes! There is something extremely important

Ahsoka: get ready for it..

Fives: I need confirmation on my ships! You are all like secretly dating, but then you deny it, and I have no clue who is with who or what the chicken is going on! We want answers!

Rex: 😐

Satine: what he said

Anakin: what do you mean "we"?

Fives has added Shak Ti, Maul, savage, Jesse, kix, Dogma, Tup, Hardcase Barriss, Lux, Ventress, grevious, Adi Galada, Kit Fisto, aayla Secura, Yoda, Bo Katan, Luminaria, Plo Koon, and Cody to the couple chat returns

Fives: well I think that's everyone

Emperor Palpatine: you forgot me.

Fives: ah, sorry

Obi Wan: did you have to ask Anakin?

Ahsoka: yeah, seriously Skyguy?

Rex: were all doomed.

Satine: so let me get this straight, pretty much everyone wants to know if were dating?

Fives: exactly.

Barriss: like come on.

Ventress: even I need to know the answer to these things

Maul: I've figured everything out about Kenobi, except if he has a girlfriend

Kit: it would be nice to know who is dating who

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