favorite ship?

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Fives: hello. Your all probably wandering why I called you here

Boil: no, i was actually wondering when you are going to let me out of this closet

Waxer: and me!

Rex: sorry guys. Why did you call us here?

Anakin: I think I know..

Fives: well I'm taking a survey on best ships!

Ahsoka: no

Obi wan: well I guess I'm just here to die of embarrassment again

Aayla: why do you need a survey fives?

Fives: because I need to see if my all time favorite ship is the most popular

Shak Ti: what's your top ship?

Rex: don't say it.

Ahsoka: god, no. Please don't

Fives: its.. Rexoka!

Plo koon: okayyy

Shak Ti: that's not what I expected.

Fives: ok lets get down to business. What's your favorite ships?

Plo Koon: I'm more of an obitine shipper myself.

Shak ti: luxoka

Fives: noo! Rexoka!

Shak Ti: luxoka!

Fives: Rexoka!

Shak Ti: luxoka!

Fives: Rexoka!

Shak Ti: Rexoka!

Fives: luxoka!

Shak Ti: well then I'm glad we agree

Fives: what? No fair you used your Jedi mind trick against me!

Ahsoka: Please tell me their not arguing about which ship I'm in is better..

Rex: unfortunately, they are

Kit: I've got a council meeting soon, so I've gotta leave.

Aayla: aww! Bye

Anakin: Aayla and Kit were sitting in a tree...

Padme: anakin...

Fives: what's your favorite ship master Fisto?

Kit: um, probably obitine

Satine: does everybody ship us?

Obi wan: apparently

Fives: what about you two love birds?

Obi wan: were not love birds. And I ship Anidala

Shak Ti: that's a ship?

Anakin: yes me and my wif- I mean senator are a ship.

Ahsoka: sometimes I really think you two are married

Padme: ahh, whattt.

Fives: ok. Back to your favorite ship! We've got one Rexoka, one Luxoka, bluh, one Anidala, and two obitine

Anakin: hmm, obitine's cool, but maybe I like Rexoka better...

Ahsoka: Skyguy..

Fives: Rexoka it is then!

Padme: I'm more a fan of Luxoka

Ahsoka: your just saying that because you know his mom

Padme: ehh

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