Random Road Trip

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Anakin: That's it! I'm taking a road trip! Ahsoka, Rex, the 501st, and I guess Obi Wan, jump in my van

Ahsoka: Wait where are we going?

Rex: How can we just leave? Or fit the whole 501st in the van?

Obi Wan: and why? What happened Anakin?

Anakin: urgg..I have to explain everything. So, Mace Windu is making me vaccum the halls of the jedi temples. VACUUM. EVERY.SINGLE.INCH.OF.THE.FLOOR.

Obi Wan: We get it Anakin

Ahsoka: who-ee, that's a lot

Fives: but General Skywalker did something to get that punishment, didn't he?

Rex: he did

Anakin: I threw the refrigerator out the window

Obi Wan: Why???

Anakin: Somone thought it was a hilarious idea to put a rubber chicken in there...scared me to death

Plo Koon: I just found one lying on the street and I put it in the fridge for a literal second!

Aayla: Ah, I remember that

Kit: Anakin's scream scared me to death. I thought Grevious was back with another segway or something.

Anakin: It was obviously all a trick. Those rubber chickens sure our sly... I don't have such weaknesses

Ahsoka: Sure...

Anakin: Well I'm leaving in 10 seconds so come on if your coming with me

Rex: How is everyone supposed to fit?

Anakin: Ah, I have a new addition to my van

He clicks a button and the van expands until it's super long. (Like 500 feet guys. Maybe even longer)

Obi Wan: I did not see that coming

Rex: None of us did.

Anakin: Well come on! Let's go see the world!

Jesse: Vacation!

Hardcase: Yay!

Fives: let me bring my donut floatie!

Echo: I got my book

Dogma: I got a frying pan

Tup: For what?

Dogma: Knocking someone out. Or frying some eggs in it

Rex: Wait, so we're all just going to abandoned our jobs?

Anakin: Yeah, it's not like Grevious is going to come to Coruscant and kidnap Chancellor Palpatine or anything.

Obi Wan: You better hope not

Jesse: I call shotgun!

Fives: Noooo I wanted it!

Ahsoka: I mean....why skip a good trip?

Rex: (I'm not sure it's going to be good) but okay, I'll come along too

Obi Wan: I'm going to pass. An afternoon without Anakin is rare

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