Couples Chat: Part 2

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Anakin: Aaaand I'm back!

Ahsoka: how did you escape Master Yoda?

Anakin: Long story...

Satine has changed the chat name to 'just good friends chat'

Obi wan: Thanks Satine

Satine: No prob

Anakin: No no no!!! This is a COUPLES chat! You got that?!? C O U P L E S  C H A T

Padme: Anakin calm down! 

Rex: None of us our couples. Were just good friends.

Anakin: Say what you want to...

Ahsoka: I'm not dating Rex Anakin!!!

Anakin: Fine! Since you all seem to be stuck in a state of denial, I'll just add another couple to the chat!

Obi Wan: -facepalm-

Anakin has added Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura to the COUPLES Chat

Kit Fisto: Why am I here?

Aayla Secura: Yeah, same

Ahsoka: Trust me, you don't wanna know

Kit Fisto: Ohh, me and Aayla...

Aayla Secura: No, no, no were just...

Kit Fisto: I mean were not...

Aayla: No, we're uh...

Kit Fisto: Just friends

Aayla: Yeah!

Anakin: I'm going to kill the next person who friend zones each other

Rex: That's harsh

Padme: No kidding

Satine: Not even if it's true that were just friends?

Anakin: NO

Satine: Jeez

Padme: So, is there actually a reason why you invited all of us to this chat?

Anakin: I wanted to know...who wants to go on a quadruple date?!?

Ahsoka: God no

Obi wan: What the heck no! That's not even a thing!!!

Satine: That's crazy! No!

Rex: This is so embarrassing

Aayla Secura:

Kit Fisto: This is just weird...

Padme: -facepalm- Anakin, I don't even have any words

Anakin: Okay, let me rephrase that: who wants to go have fun as """friends"""?

Rex: That's better

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