The Return Of The Segway

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Grevious: he, he, -cough- I have almost located my stolen Segway...those rats will suffer greatly when I take it back

Droid: sir, there is a highly unlikely chance that it was mice that stole your segway

Grevious: then why was there a piece of cheese on the ground?! Every being knows only rats eat cheese!

Lux: I eat cheese

Grevious: ahh!!! Who the polka dot are you and how did you get on this chat?

Lux: uh, I'm Lux. That's what my username says. Duh. Separatists these days....

Droid: according to the records you are a separatist Lux Bonitari

Lux: was! I was. Now I just sell pineapple at a fruit stand

Grevious: get off or I'll kick the jell out of your hair!

Lux: okay, I'm leaving

Lux has left this chat

Grevious: now, have you located these rats yet?

Droid: I have intercepted this recording, and it appears it wasn't rats that stole your was jedi

Grevious: ahhhhh!!!! Those rats will pay deeply for what they have done!

Droid: sir, as I've explained, their not rats their-

Grevious: Its an expression! Now, to extract my revenge....

Later, elsewhere...

Ahsoka: Anakin it's my turn on the segway!

Plo Koon: you have had it a very long time

Obi Wan: yes, your time is overdue by 30 seconds

Ahsoka: gimmie

Anakin: uhhh!! I wish we had more segways so we could have longer turns on them!

Adi Galada: yeah! That would be awesome!

Kit: have you seen the price of those things?

Aayla: yes, its outrageous, it's unfair!

Shak Ti: I thought about selling my toilet paper hoard on Ebay, but then I decided it was too valuable to me

Obi Wan: good choice

Anakin: wait you mean that toliet paper in the downstairs freezer

Shak Ti: uh, yes? Wait how did you know that??

Plo Koon: more importantly, why is there toliet paper in the freezer?

Adi Galada: that is weird

Aayla: really weird

Shak Ti: well, where else was I supposed to hide it? And what did you do with it Skywalker???

Anakin: ....nothing

Obi Wan: if only that were true....

Ahsoka: didn't we toliet paper Maul's house with it?

Anakin: .....

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