Order 66 May the 4th Special Part 4

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Fives: What? How is this possible?!

Rex: Fives!

Jesse: What are you doing here bro?

Ahsoka: Yeah

Fives: I, guys you won't believe what I found out! I have proof! About a plot! A massive deception!

Wolffe: What now?

Ahsoka: Don't tell me this is another Rexsoka theory....

Fives: No! I- Order 66! Its coming!

Plo Koon: You bought a pizza?

Rex: Of all the times to do that, you chose now?

Fives: No! I, I have to warn everyone!

-He dashes off after Anakin

Fives: You have to listen to me! I know the truth about a plot, a massive deception!

Anakin: Can't it wait until after we have the holocron?

Fives: No no, you don't understand!

Anakin: That's what it like when I've tried to explain how the rubber chickens are taking over the world.

Fives: You have to listen to me! Its-

-Then, out of nowhere, Fox shoots Fives

Fives: What the heck dude??? Why did you do that??

Fox: ...Orders?

Anakim: From who?

Chancellor Palpatine: Me. He he he...

Fives: Him! It's-its-

Chancellor Palpatine: Join me Skywalker, and together, we can rule the galaxy

Anakin: ...I thought this was just a competition to get to the Jedi holocron first

Chancellor Palpatine: Oh it is, I just thought that line sounded cool

Anakin: Well, I guess we can team up now that all my teammates are dead

Fives: I'm right here!!! Dead, technically, but still here

Chancellor Palpatine: Now...there is one last thing we must do to assure our victory...

-He activates his comlink and contacts all of the clones-

Darth Sidious: The time has come. Execute Order 66.

-Everything emerges into chaos

Aayla: Hey Bly, wanna make a bet that it I win, you have to buy me 1000 hamburgers?


Aayla: Bly?

Bly: Sorry General

Bly shoots Aayla Secura

Kit: !!!! No!!!

Aayla: Bly...why?

Bly: Must...follow...orders

Some clones also shoot Shaak Ti and Barriss

Shaak Ti: What the heck man I'm already dead!!!

Barriss: Yeah, me too

Clone: From what I heard, you never can be too sure about Shaak Ti's death

Shaak Ti: -rolls her eyes-

Barriss: You know, I'm really considering ditching the Jedi

Lux: Hey guys! Did you hear? All the clones went crazy and have started shooting all the Jedi. I got some popcorn!

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