A Day Of Obi Wan's Life

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Yoda: Free on this Friday, are you?

Obi Wan: Yes Master. I just have to remove the pair of sneakers Anakin tapped to my ceiling as a prank.

Mace Windu: -sighs- Skywalker...

Yoda: Do this paperwork, you must. Going on vacation, I am.

Obi Wan: Okay, I think I can manage. Where are you headed?

Yoda: To Naboo, I am. At a ducktape museum I will go

Mace Windu: And I'm going on a mission to stop Grevious from stealing giant bags of cheetos from factories. We're really started to run low on our cheeto supply

Fives in the background: No cheetos?!??!?! I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!

Jesse: Its a mental breakdown! *Kazoo noises*

Mace Windu: I better leave now

Yoda: Crazy the Jedi get, when gone I am

Obi Wan: I've dealt with Anakin enough times to handle everyone for a day or two

Yoda: Good luck, I bring to you

-He puts a sticky note that says; Grand Jedi Master for the day, Obi Wan is, On Obi Wan's back

Yoda: Come in handy, this will

Obi Wan: Goodbye Master

Yoda: Cha cha

Obi Wan: ...I'm not going to ask. Now to get to work.

-A sticky hand slaps him in the face


Anakin: Whatever you do, don't look in the vents. Anakin isn't there

Obi Wan: -sighs- I'll blow this soda up in your face

Anakin: Leaving!! I'm leaving!!!

-Two hours later:

Obi Wan: Ah, it's so good to get so much work done. And to drink fifty cups of tea. (No one needs to know) Wait, what is that sound?

-Obi Wan goes out the door, only to find the Jedi jumping on a trampoline inside the Jedi Temple

Obi Wan: What is going on here??

Aayla: We're jumping on a trampoline!

Adi Gallia: Its not every day that Yoda and Windu are gone!

Kit: Selfie!

Ahsoka: Look, I can do a flip Master Kenobi!

Vos: Waffle?

Obi Wan: No, no that's it. Nothing crazy! I'm in charge!

Shaak Ti: Why not Plo Koon? Or Kit Fisto? Or me? You're not even a Jedi Master

Anakin: #Roasted

Obi Wan: Master Fisto is to nice to be in charge of you all, and so is Master Plo Koon.

Luminaria: I thought it was because he was litterly counting rubber ducks in the bathroom

Plo Koon: That's 386, okay, we're going to need a bigger bathtub

Aayla: Everyone knows Obi Wan is the most responsible

Anakin: Oh really?

Obi Wan: You crashed your bicycle into the Younglings school room!

Anakin: Well that one was on purpose

Adi Gallia: You're right, Obi Wan is the most responsible.

Obi Wan: Thank you-

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