Midnight Thoughts With Fives

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Fives has invited the 501st to '501st only chat'

Fives: is anybody awake?

Echo: I am now

Dogma: what do you want? It's like 1am! I was trying to sleep

Tup: how can anyone sleep in this madhouse?

Jesse: with earbuds

Kix: unless you dont own any

Hardcase: I've been awake

Jesse: doing what?

Tup: I've been hearing him banging pots and pans all around in the kitchen

Rex: what are you doing Hardcase?

Hardcase: I am making a bon bon.

Echo: that's...random

Kix: but why?

Hardcase: because all of the food around here taste like dirt, and Domga won't share any of his homeade food so I'm making my own

Dogma: what? Its mine!

Rex: -sighs- this is not going to end well

Jesse: before you burn down the kitchen, make sure to get me a bon bon

Fives: and me

Tup: they'll probably be burnt though

Hardcase: sorry, but I'm only making one huge bon bon instead of a whole battalion of mini ones.

Kix: when you get sick, dont come belly aching to me

Rex: Hardcase, quit messing around in the kitchen. And everybody, go to sleep. We have a battle to win tomorrow.

Hardcase: I should have mentioned these are peanut butter bon bons

Tup: what does that have to do with anything?

Hardcase: theres peanut butter everywhere! It's way sticker than I thought!

Rex: get the mop, clean it up, then go to sleep. Quietly

Hardcase: yes sir! But can't jesse and Fives help?

Jesse: no!

Fives: I don't want to!

Rex: uh, boys help him. You'll be done in no time

Fives: ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Jesses: ugh×100000000000000

Rex: cut the sass boys.


Fives: guys Rex is asleep. Whos up?

Dogma: who could've gotten to sleep when you guys were yelling like maniacs in the other room

Jesse: what? Sliding on the peanut butter was fun!

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