The Bounce House

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Jesse: Hey, it's my birthday today. Can we do something fun???

Rex: No. We have a war to win. Birthday's can be celebrated later

Fives: But what it we die and-

Tup: What is we die????? Fives don't talk like that!

Fives: What I meant was, if we die, we won't ever have had a birthday party!!

Rex: -sighs- Fine, we can get a cake

Jesse: Yay!!!

Fives: But we have like millions of brothers. I'll get nothing but a crumb out of that cake!!

Rex: -sighs-

Echo: Fives, are you trying to make everything difficult on purpose?

Fives: No...

Jesse: It's just that...

Hardcase: We want to go to the bounce house!!!

Rex: The bounce house?

Tup: The place with giant balloon things that don't pop????

Dogma: We've only heard the rumors

Rex: From where?

Fives: Cody. Once he had to chase a sqaud of clankers through there.

Jesse: He said it was like jumping on rainbow clouds. Until of course one of the clankers blew the ground up and he fell through

Tup: Yikes

Fives: Reminds me of the mancave, if you know what I mean

Dogma: Believe me, we do.

Hardcase: Can we go??? Can we go???

Rex: Look, boys, its just I really don't think-

Anakin: The bounce house? Sounds like a plan!

Fives: Yassssss!!!!!

Rex: General, sir?

Anakin: What? Come on, it's not like anything bad will happen if we skip the war for a day

Ahsoka: I mean...the bounce house does sound like fun

Echo: Except for one problem. The bounce house is only for kids

Jesse: Aww chicken!

Fives: But wait, technically we are kids!

Dogma: Don't remind us. It gets weird when I start to think about the fact that I'm only eight.

Tup: ....I'm three

Anakin: Fives that's a great idea! To the van everyone! We're going to the bounce house

Rex: But- never mind. I just have a bad feeling about this

Ahsoka: Me too Rexter. But are we really going to miss out on a trip to the bounce house?

Rex: ...I guess not

In the van

Dogma: So...has anyone actually been to the bounce house before?

Tup: No

Fives: Sadly no

Echo: I've read about it

Fives: No, Echo hasn't been either

Anakim: I went once as a child for Quinlan Vos's birthday. Let's just say we got into a friendly competition and deflated the entire place.

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